Investment Insights
• 29-nov-2024
Patrick Reid
Discover, in our latest insight, how semi-liquid funds are broadening access to private markets, while offering unique advantages designed to meet the needs of wealth managers and intermediaries.
Insight Article
• 27-nov-2024
Emerging Markets Debt Team
Do all tough reforms have a high political cost? Reformist governments in Southern Europe are proving otherwise. By taking important policy decisions early, governments in Cyprus, Italy and Greece are not only seeing stronger growth than their norther peers but rising popular support as well.
Caron's Corner
• 25-nov-2024
Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.
Global Fixed Income Bulletin
• 22-nov-2024
Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
In his November video bulletin, Chief Investment officer Michael Kushma shares his thoughts on where fixed income markets may be heading now that the US presidential election has passed. Watch to find out why he’s focused on three key themes: Trumponomics 2.0, steepening yield curves and areas of opportunity for fixed income investors.
Global Fixed Income Bulletin
• 22-nov-2024
Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Nel suo videobollettino di novembre, il Chief Investment Officer Michael Kushma spiega che direzione che potrebbero prendere i mercati obbligazionari ora che sono noti gli esiti delle presidenziali statunitensi. Scoprite perché ha puntato su tre temi principali: Trumponomics 2.0, irripidimento delle curve e aree di opportunità per gli investitori obbligazionari.
Global Fixed Income Bulletin
• 21-nov-2024
Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
The Broad Markets Fixed Income Team explores the implications of the U.S. elections for bond investors.
Insight Article
• 18-nov-2024
Emerging Markets Debt
Insights from the IMF's fall conference reveal a nuanced global outlook, underscoring the critical role of country fundamentals in emerging markets. Read our on-the-ground report for the key highlights and analyses.
Articolo di approfondimento
• 18-nov-2024
Emerging Markets Debt Team
La conferenza autunnale del FMI rivela prospettive globali sfaccettate, sottolineando il ruolo critico dei fondamentali di un Paese nei mercati emergenti. Leggi il nostro rapporto fatto sul campo per i punti salienti e le analisi principali.
Insight Article
• 14-nov-2024
Jim Caron, Ryan Meredith, Laura Biancato
Today’s new interest rate and inflation regime deviates significantly from the past 40 years. As such we believe investment professionals should consider modifying their investment process.
• 13-nov-2024
Adam Ross
Geothermal energy can supply reliable, sustainable, baseload power offering significant potential as an energy source, but commercial deployment has been limited. Our 1GT team co-hosted a roundtable during Climate Week to discuss future pathways.
Tales From the Emerging World
• 12-nov-2024
Amy Oldenburg, Jitania Kandhari, Saumya Jain
Emerging markets are buzzing with renewed manufacturing activity after years of sluggishness. This resurgence is fueled by strong government support, improving macroeconomic conditions and new supply chains. Amy Oldenburg, Head of Emerging Markets Equity highlights a recent report by Jitania Kandhari and Saumya Jain explaining the transformational changes that are taking place.
Caron's Corner
• 11-nov-2024
Jim Caron
Jim Caron, Co-Lead Global Portfolio Manager e Co-Chief Investment Officer, Global Balanced Risk Control Team, illustra i suoi giudizi tematici macro sui principali fattori di sostegno dei mercati.
Insight Article
• 11-nov-2024
Kenneth Michlitsch
As investors seek to diversify their portfolio exposures beyond traditional assets, alternative lending may offer attractive absolute and risk-adjusted return characteristics.
Takeaways & Key Expectations
• 7-nov-2024
Andrew Slimmon
"In his November TAKE, Senior Portfolio Manager Andrew Slimmon discusses his post-election thoughts on the equity markets and why, he expects potential strength to continue into 2025, albeit more muted."
Global Multi Asset Thought of the Week
• 7-nov-2024
Cyril Moulle-Berteaux
Chinese stocks are likely still underowned by local and global investors but their superficially low multiples do not represent a compelling reason to go overweight China until policy measures sufficient to solve its debt deflation problems are implemented.
• 5-nov-2024
Portfolio Solutions Group
Utilizziamo il ‘’The BEAT’’ come risorsa a cui attingere per comprendere il mercato nel corso del mese. Ogni edizione offre idee e approfondimenti che illustrano come affrontare l’attuale contesto d’investimento.
Insight Article
• 1-nov-2024
Broad Markets Fixed Income
What are the economic and corporate consequences of higher tariffs? In this insight, our Broad Markets Fixed Income team explores the potential trade-offs and knock-on effects of raising tariff rates.
Global Equity Observer
• 31-ott-2024
Nic Sochovsky
I beni di consumo primari sono ai minimi degli ultimi 25 anni in termini di valutazione relativa e il loro peso all’interno dell’indice MSCI World è il più basso dall’inizio del secolo. Il settore ha tuttavia evidenziato una certa resilienza nonostante un quadriennio eccezionalmente turbolento. Le società di questo settore hanno una crescita trainata dai ricavi ricorrenti generati dai prodotti che vendono ogni giorno e sono capaci di resistere durante le fasi di ribasso economico. Di conseguenza, le società che mostrano agilità, capacità di innovazione ed elevati livelli di investimento nei propri marchi, rivestono un ruolo fondamentale all’interno dei nostri portafogli.
• 30-ott-2024
Aaron Sack, Patrick Whitehead
A successful approach to operational value creation has been key to driving successful private equity outcomes over the last decade. It is increasingly important as we adjust to an environment of higher interest rates and inflation, lower levels of financial leverage, and uncertain macroeconomic growth.
Caron's Corner
• 28-ott-2024
Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.
Engagement Report
• 25-ott-2024
Marte Borhaug
The latest edition of Engage, the International Equity Team’s semi-annual update on their ESG engagement activity.
Insight Article
• 25-ott-2024
Gregory Finck, Anuj Gulati, Erin Glenn
The Mortgage & Securitized Team believes that Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations are an essential component to investing in securitized markets. In this paper, they explain how these considerations are integrated into their investment process.
Articolo di approfondimento
• 25-ott-2024
Broad Markets Fixed Income
Le banche centrali stanno abbassando i tassi, ma il ritmo e l’entità dei tagli variano a seconda del mercato di riferimento. Albert Giroux spiega quali sono le implicazioni future dei diversi percorsi di politica monetaria per gli investimenti obbligazionari.
• 24-ott-2024
Eric Stampfel
Amid market uncertainty, investors may be seeking ways to add resilience to their portfolios. Long-short equity strategies have the potential to deliver steady returns in volatile markets.
Global Multi Asset Thought of the Week
• 22-ott-2024
Cyril Moulle-Berteaux
Given a strong consensus for a Soft Landing and lingering Recession fears, No Landing would be the most contrarian scenario for markets. In fact, there are some hints that the dichotomy between strong spending and weak labor markets could resolve in favor of No Landing.
Tales From the Emerging World
• 22-ott-2024
Amy Oldenburg, Steven Quattry
Amy Oldenburg, Head of Emerging Markets Equity at Morgan Stanley Investment Management, believes savvy investors should take a closer look for hidden gems in emerging and frontier markets.
Global Fixed Income Bulletin
• 18-ott-2024
Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
L’ottimismo dei mercati sui tassi è esagerato? Scopri perché l’elevato potenziale di volatilità e gli spread ristretti ci rendono più esigenti riguardo alle obbligazioni.
Global Fixed Income Bulletin
• 18-ott-2024
Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Is market optimism about rates too high? Find out why high volatility potential and tight spreads are making us choosier about bonds.
Global Fixed Income Bulletin
• 18-ott-2024
Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Il team Broad Markets Fixed Income analizza l’impatto sugli investitori obbligazionari dei tagli dei tassi operati dalla Fed a settembre.
• 15-ott-2024
Il trimestre che ci aspetta e le migliori idee di asset allocation dei nostri specialisti d’investimento, moderati da Thomas Chaussier, Head of Investment Management Francia.
Consilient Observer
• 15-ott-2024
Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
Strategy explains how a firm builds a moat around its business to pursue sustainable value creation. We begin by showing why strategy matters while also distinguishing between industry and company life cycles. We turn next to industry analysis as we get the lay of the land. We then discuss industry structure and disruption and dis-integration. We finish with firm analysis. We examine the sources of added value and review pricing decisions, regulation, and brands. We include a checklist.
Global Equity Observer
• 15-ott-2024
Bruno Paulson
Dopo la turbolenza estiva, nei mercati è tornata la calma, ma la flessione ha rappresentato un buon banco di prova per i nostri portafogli globali, che si sono dimostrati resilienti nonostante i timori, crescendo addirittura dell’1%, mentre l’MSCI World è sceso del 7%. Ora che viene nuovamente scontata una prospettiva ottimistica, come se i timori non si fossero mai presentati, un portafoglio che genera utili resilienti a valutazioni ragionevoli può costituire uno strumento di difesa di alta qualità, come è accaduto quest’estate.
Insight Video
• 14-ott-2024
International Equity Team
One of our holdings has been around since 1892 and is enjoyed 2 billion times a day. With a strong brand, entrenched intangible assets, high returns on operating capital and significant pricing power, it’s exactly what we look for. Learn about our approach to long-term compounders for long-term investors.
Caron's Corner
• 14-ott-2024
Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.
Insight Video
• 14-ott-2024
International Equity Team
Our life sciences companies form a crucial part of the health care supply chain. Their products are a fraction of their customers’ cost base, they benefit from the nondiscretionary nature of health care demand and their regulatory framework makes it very difficult for customers to switch suppliers—making them a good example of the resilience we seek.
Insight Video
• 14-ott-2024
International Equity Team
We own a leading elevator company that services over 2 million elevators globally—which typically remain in service for decades. As the installed base of elevators around the world continues to grow steadily, this creates a very reliable profit stream that illustrates our preference for long-term compounders for long-term investors.
• 11-ott-2024
Morgan Stanley Private Equity Solutions Team
Within the private alternatives universe, private equity is one of the most rapidly growing asset classes. With a range of strategies, private equity investing offers distictive qualitative characteristics that differentiate the asset class.
Insight Article
• 10-ott-2024
AIP Hedge Fund Team
The MSIM Hedge Fund Team explores the ways in which hedge funds may directly benefit from a higher cash yield environment making them compelling options as sources of returns and diversification.
Media Appearance
• 10-ott-2024
Vishal Khanduja
Vishal Khanduja joined CNBC Squawk Box Asia to discuss his view that the U.S economy is on track for a soft landing and how that impacts his fixed-income strategy.
Market Monitor
• 10-ott-2024
Emerging Markets Debt Team
In-depth review of fundamentals and valuations across emerging markets debt.
Market Monitor
• 10-ott-2024
Municipal Bond Group
Overview of the trends and developments in the muni bond markets.
Market Monitor
• 4-ott-2024
Floating-Rate Loan Group
Insight on loan market fundamentals and the role of floating-rate loans within portfolios.
Caron's Corner
• 3-ott-2024
Jim Caron
Jim Caron, Co-Lead Global Portfolio Manager e Co-Chief Investment Officer, Global Balanced Risk Control Team, illustra i suoi giudizi tematici macro sui principali fattori di sostegno dei mercati.
Tales From the Emerging World
• 2-ott-2024
Amay Hattangadi, Uday Tharar, Aayushi Kukreja
After four years of political turmoil, Malaysia’s recent stability is paving the way for the government to implement critical reforms, ultimately making the country’s prospects promising. Amay Hattangadi, Uday Tharar and Aayushi Kukreja explain.
• 26-set-2024
Morgan Stanley Private Credit
Direct lending continues to offer compelling relative value compared to other asset classes and offers attractive diversification alternative to public fixed income. Further, when considered in the context of public markets, direct lending has significant room to grow.
Global Fixed Income Bulletin
• 24-set-2024
Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
When the Fed says "cut," investors ask "How deep?" Find out where we stand on current rate forecasts, plus our outlook for the credit market and the US dollar.
Global Fixed Income Bulletin
• 24-set-2024
Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Quando la Fed parla di tagli, gli investitori si chiedono “Quanto saranno profondi?” Scopri le nostre idee sull’evoluzione dei tassi e le nostre prospettive sul mercato creditizio e sul dollaro statunitense.
Media Appearance
• 24-set-2024
Craig Brandon
Craig Brandon, Co-Head of Municipals at Morgan Stanley Investment Management, joins CNBC The Exchange to discuss how rate cuts will affect municipal bonds, how the election and tax rates could impact municipals, and more.
• 20-set-2024
Pamela Fung
With Indian public markets having experienced a strong run-up since 2020, global allocators have been turning to Indian private equity. In this paper, we aim to examine the promising performance potential of Indian private equity.
Insight Article
• 20-set-2024
Laurel Durkay, Mona Benisi
The MSIM Global Listed Real Assets Team explores why investing sustainably matters in real estate, who is setting the priorities for sustainability, how we integrate ESG into real estate investing and where we see sustainability trends evolving.
2024 Outlooks
• 19-set-2024
Mark van der Zwan, Jarrod Quigley
Our hedge fund team discusses their outlook and the opportunities they are seeing for the remainder of 2024.
Video di approfondimento
• 18-set-2024
Brad Godfrey
Il co-head di Emerging Markets debt Brad Godfrey spiega i vantaggi potenziali di diversificazione, reddito e rendimento di una classe di attivi in crescita e solida.
Global Fixed Income Bulletin
• 18-set-2024
Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
L’obbligazionario registrato un’altra solida performance ad agosto, nonostante la volatilità senza precedenti delle prime due settimane. Analisi del team Broad Markets Fixed Income.
Takeaways & Key Expectations
• 17-set-2024
Andrew Slimmon
"In his September TAKE, Senior Portfolio Manager Andrew Slimmon discusses why, like in previous US Presidential election years, this time of equity market volatility is a period to be a patient and intentional investor, in preparation for a likely strong finish to 2024."
Caron's Corner
• 16-set-2024
Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.
Media Appearance
• 10-set-2024
Craig Brandon
Craig Brandon, Co-Head of Municipals at Morgan Stanley Investment Management, joins Bloomberg Surveillance Radio to discuss the muni market, its focus on infrastructure, the opportunity in high yield munis right now and how sectors such as commercial real estate may impact the municipal market.
Insight audio
• 6-set-2024
Mark van der Zwan
Mark van der Zwan, Chief Executive Officer for Morgan Stanley Investment Management's Hedge Fund team, appears on Resonanz Spotlight to explore the past, present, and future of hedge fund investing
Caron's Corner
• 5-set-2024
Jim Caron
Jim Caron, Co-Lead Global Portfolio Manager e Co-Chief Investment Officer, Global Balanced Risk Control Team, illustra i suoi giudizi tematici macro sui principali fattori di sostegno dei mercati.
Tales From the Emerging World
• 4-set-2024
Jitania Kandhari, Saumya Jain
Assembly lines worldwide are humming with activity, signaling a promising revival of the manufacturing sector after decades of sluggishness. In emerging markets, this capital expenditure revival is being supported by governments and better macro conditions. Jitania Kandhari and Saumya Jain explain.
Caron's Corner
• 26-ago-2024
Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.
Global Equity Observer
• 26-ago-2024
Richard Perrott
Sebbene gran parte delle società partecipate siano aziende di grandi dimensioni con marchi consolidati e conosciuti, la nostra esperienza ci insegna che è possibile trovare anche ottime aziende e opportunità d’investimento prendendo in considerazione operatori che si concentrano su nicchie specializzate, in particolare quelli che svolgono un ruolo cruciale nell'ambito di un determinato mercato e che vantano stretti rapporti con i clienti. Queste aziende, ingiustamente, ma non sorprendentemente, spesso non attirano l'attenzione del mercato e possono essere ignorate dagli analisti sell-side.
• 23-ago-2024
Kara O'Halloran
Discover why the current market is conducive to market-neutral strategies, with the ability to generate alpha on both the long and short sides of portfolios.
Insight Article
• 15-ago-2024
Laurel Durkay
Given the Fed is expected to start cutting interest rates in 2H24, we believe now is an excellent time to consider an allocation to REITs.
• 15-ago-2024
Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Explore the latest expectations for Fed rate cuts, reasons to closely watch the US elections, and why we continue to favor short-duration credit.
• 15-ago-2024
Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Scopri le ultime aspettative della Fed sui tagli dei tassi, i motivi per monitorare le elezioni negli Stati Uniti e le ragioni per cui continuiamo a prediligere il credito a breve duration.
Global Fixed Income Bulletin
• 12-ago-2024
Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Nonostante la riluttanza delle banche centrali a impegnarsi preventivamente sui percorsi di politica monetaria, l’ottimismo degli investitori obbligazionari è aumentato. Analisi del team Broad Market Fixed Income.
Caron's Corner
• 12-ago-2024
Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.
Market Alert
• 12-ago-2024
Andrew Slimmon
Andrew Slimmon, Head of the Applied Equity Advisors Team, offers a timely perspective on what is shaping the markets now as well as insights on investment opportunities and risk within global equities. Listen to his Market Alert.
Articolo di approfondimento
• 9-ago-2024
Frank Famiglietti
Il processo di democratizzazione degli investimenti alternativi consente oggi agli investitori individuali di accedere a strategie di investimento che possono offrire una maggiore performance e diversificazione.
Tales From the Emerging World
• 7-ago-2024
Paul Psaila
In a remarkable twist of events, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa turned a potentially career-ending electoral defeat into a victory that may reshape the nation's political and economic landscape. Paul Psaila explains.
Media Appearance
• 6-ago-2024
Jeff Levin, Ashwin Krishnan
Jeff Levin and Ashwin Krishnan discuss private credit, its outlook and where they see opportunities, on InsuranceAUM’s podcast.
Media Appearance
• 6-ago-2024
Aaron Sack
Head of Morgan Stanley Capital Partners, Aaron Sack, discusses how to build a successful middle market buyout strategy, and the role of private equity in market growth.
Caron's Corner
• 5-ago-2024
Jim Caron
Jim Caron, Co-Lead Global Portfolio Manager e Co-Chief Investment Officer, Global Balanced Risk Control Team, illustra i suoi giudizi tematici macro sui principali fattori di sostegno dei mercati.
Global Equity Observer
• 29-lug-2024
Bruno Paulson, Laura Bottega
Il mercato sembra essere dominato da una duplice convinzione: l’invulnerabilità dell’economia statunitense e l’impatto massiccio dell’intelligenza artificiale generativa. Questo non è certo il contesto più facile per una filosofia d’investimento che punta a individuare vincitori affermati capaci di generare utili resilienti in tempi difficili. Tuttavia, aspettative generalmente elevate, e in maniera sempre più accentuata per una società in particolare, ci spingono a rimanere cauti nei confronti delle prospettive di mercato. Rimaniamo fedeli al nostro processo di qualità e ci concentriamo sul compounding assoluto e a lungo termine.
Caron's Corner
• 29-lug-2024
Jim Caron
Jim Caron, Co-Lead Global Portfolio Manager e Co-Chief Investment Officer, Global Balanced Risk Control Team, illustra i suoi giudizi tematici macro sui principali fattori di sostegno dei mercati.
• 25-lug-2024
AIP Hedge Fund Team
In recent years, multi-manager platforms (Multi-PMs) have completely transformed the hedge fund world. In this FAQ, we answer fundamental questions about these Multi-PMs. What are they and why are they attracting so many investors?
Consilient Observer
• 24-lug-2024
Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
Consilient Research considers the phenomenon of companies that both issue and retire shares around the same time. This behavior may fail the central goal of capital allocation, which is to buy low and sell high. Which one is it?
• 23-lug-2024
Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Co-Head of Broad Markets Fixed Income Vishal Khanduja discusses the probability for a U.S. soft landing, the heightened political uncertainty and how investors should think about positioning for volatility.
Insight Article
• 23-lug-2024
Laurel Durkay, Simon Robson Brown, Christopher Freemantle
Historically, the trough in European listed real estate NAV discounts has preceded the trough in values and NAVs by around six to nine months. We think this time is no different, and that now we’re at—or very close to—trough NAV for the sector.
• 23-lug-2024
Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Vishal Khanduja, Co-Head del team Broad Markets Fixed Income, discute la probabilità di un atterraggio morbido negli Stati Uniti, l’accresciuta incertezza politica e il modo in cui gli investitori dovrebbero riflettere sul posizionamento per la volatilità.
Takeaways & Key Expectations
• 23-lug-2024
Andrew Slimmon
In his July TAKE, Senior Portfolio Manager Andrew Slimmon reiterates the rational behavior of the stock market so far this year given corporate fundamentals and stock performance appear closely aligned. And discusses why, in spite of nearer term volatility, the market could finish the year higher still.
Market Monitor
• 16-lug-2024
Floating-Rate Loan Group
Insight on loan market fundamentals and the role of floating-rate loans within portfolios.
Market Monitor
• 16-lug-2024
Emerging Markets Debt Team
In-depth review of fundamentals and valuations across emerging markets debt.
Insight Article
• 16-lug-2024
Andrew Szczurowski, Gregory Finck
The impressive performance of corporate credit markets to start the year has prompted many investors to begin seeking out alternative sources of yield and total return in the global fixed income markets.
Global Fixed Income Bulletin
• 16-lug-2024
Fixed Income
June was a mixed month for fixed income. Lower US yields were supported by weaker-than-expected inflation and increased market expectations of further rate cuts.What was the impact on fixed income markets? The Broad Markets Fixed Income team explains.
Market Monitor
• 16-lug-2024
Municipal Bond Group
Overview of the trends and developments in the muni bond markets.
Tales From the Emerging World
• 11-lug-2024
Steven Quattry
Small emerging and frontier market countries have weathered crises this decade, but are implementing reforms based on orthodox economic policies. Despite massive currency depreciations, the equity markets in many of these countries, such as Argentina and Pakistan, have generated stronger earnings per share—in dollar terms—compared to the broader MSCI EM Index. Steven Quattry explains why these countries merit a closer look.
Global Equity Observer
• 11-lug-2024
William Lock
Gestione attiva o passiva? Questo annoso interrogativo è mal posto. Un’opzione non per forza esclude l’altra. Riteniamo anzi che una coesistenza in portafoglio di investimenti indicizzati e investimenti a gestione attiva sia assolutamente proficua. I fondi passivi offrono non solo un’esposizione ad ampio spettro e la possibilità di accedere agilmente e in modo conveniente a temi tattici, ma anche l’opportunità di operare in modo selettivo, soprattutto se si considerano gli orientamenti degli indici. Quando i prezzi delle azioni si disconnettono dai fondamentali, gli stock picker più abili possono approfittarne, se hanno la fortuna di disporre di un orizzonte temporale più lungo e di poter contare sulla prosecuzione di un rialzo trainato dai multipli.
Video di approfondimento
• 10-lug-2024
Dónal Kinsella
Il gestore di portafoglio Dónal Kinsella illustra tre aree chiave che gli investitori obbligazionari high yield dovrebbero prendere in considerazione e perché un approccio discrezionale alla selezione del credito è fondamentale.