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Video: Oil. Underappreciated, Underinvested and Undervalued


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Video: Oil. Underappreciated, Underinvested and Undervalued

Video: Oil. Underappreciated, Underinvested and Undervalued

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aprile 01, 2024

apr 2024

Jitania Kandhari, Deputy CIO, Solutions & Multi Asset Group; Head of Macro & Thematic Research, Emerging Markets; Portfolio Manager, Passport Equity, believes oil is an underappreciated, underinvested and undervalued commodity in 2024.

To learn more, please checkout Jitania's Key Themes for 2024 Big Picture:


See below for more important disclosures.

Deputy CIO, Solutions & Multi Asset Group

Head of Macro & Thematic Research, Emerging Markets

Portfolio Manager,
Passport Equity
Oil: Unrestrained, Underappreciated and Underinvested
While an energy transition is underway, a decline in oil demand is not an immediate concern, a scenario that leads to a compelling outlook for energy equities.
Approfondimenti correlati
Approfondimenti correlati

Risk Considerations: There is no assurance that a portfolio will achieve its investment objective. Portfolios are subject to market risk, which is the possibility that the market values of securities owned by the portfolio will decline and that the value of portfolio shares may therefore be less than what you paid for them. Investments in foreign markets entail special risks such as currency, political, economic, market and liquidity risks. The risks of investing in emerging market countries are greater than the risks generally associated with investments in foreign developed countries. 

The views and opinions are those of the author as of the date of publication and are subject to change at any time due to market or economic conditions and may not necessarily come to pass. The views expressed do not reflect the opinions of all investment personnel at Morgan Stanley Investment Management (MSIM) and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively the Firm”), and may not be reflected in all the strategies and products that the Firm offers.

This material is a general communication, which is not impartial, is for informational and educational purposes only, not a recommendation to purchase or sell specific securities, or to adopt any particular investment strategy. Information does not address financial objectives, situation or specific needs of individual investors. 

Any charts and graphs provided are for illustrative purposes only. Any performance quoted represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. 

Prior to making any investment decision, investors should carefully review the strategy’s relevant offering document. For the complete content and important disclosures, refer to the Key Themes for 2024 Big Picture Insight. 


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