Competitive Rate over 11X the National Savings Average(1)
Your rate may adjust at any time in accordance with the prevailing rate environment.
Convenient and Flexible Access to Funds
With same day availability2, provides convenient access to your cash reserves within your investment portfolio.
Your Deposits Are FDIC Insured
Deposits are FDIC insured, up to applicable limits.
Get Started Today
Qualifying Cash deposits made in the last 30 calendar days are eligible.
Minimum initial deposit of $1,000; Maximum deposit of $10,000,000 across both banks.
†Qualifying Cash is defined as new cash proceeds into the Banks in the last 30 calendar days, inclusive of deposits from external sources and proceeds from the sale of money market funds, mutual funds, fixed income, equities and all other securities, net of any cash outflows, in a client’s brokerage account. Net proceeds from weekends and holidays will be included if they immediately precede the first day of the 30 day period.
Terms and conditions apply (see below for details)