Separately Managed Accounts

Active Fundamental Equity
Fixed Income
Active Fundamental Equity

Applied Equity Advisors Team
Counterpoint Global
International Equity Team
Fixed Income


Strategy Name
Strategy Name

Invests primarily in established companies in the United States that benefit from efficient scale.  

Concentrated portfolio of 20-40 high quality global businesses, characterized by hard-to-replicate intangible assets, high returns on operating capital employed and strong free cash flow generation. Designed for investors who seek capital growth, earnings resilience and reduced downside participation.  

Invests primarily in established and emerging large cap companies in the United States.  

Using a combination of quantitative models and stock-specific research, the strategy aims to invest in approximately 20 global companies with attractive valuations and above-average appreciation potential.  

Using a combination of quantitative models and stock-specific research, the strategy aims to invest in approximately 30-60 global companies with attractive valuations and above-average appreciation potential.  

Seeks to invest in 200-300 stocks that, in aggregate, have exposure to factors it believes will drive returns in the current market environment. All the while employing quantitative models with a stock selection process that includes an quantitative review of material sustainability issues related to any potential holding. The strategy aims to provide a modest tracking error and align closely with the Russell 1000 Index in terms of industry, sector, style and company size.  

Invests primarily in established companies globally that benefit from efficient scale.  

Invests primarily in companies with growing intrinsic value.  

Invests in 20-50 high quality, predominantly US companies, characterized by hard-to-replicate intangible assets, high returns on operating capital employed and strong free cash flow generation. Designed for investors who seek capital growth, earnings resilience and reduced downside participation.  

Invests in 20-50 high quality, predominantly non-U.S. companies, characterized by hard-to-replicate intangible assets, high returns on operating capital employed and strong free cash flow generation. Designed for investors who seek capital growth, earnings resilience and reduced downside participation.  

Invests primarily in established and emerging large cap companies in the United States.  


With a bottom-up process focusing on security selection, the team considers credit quality, state of issuance, coupon structure, source of revenue, issuer concentration, and call protection to seek a predictable source of federally tax-exempt income.  

Employs a top-down process that aims to deliver a predictable source of federally tax-exempt income by targeting the front half of the municipal bond yield curve.  

Invests in a portfolio of shorter-term corporate bonds with maturities of 1 to 3 years in an effort to meet its goals of providing income and capital preservation.  


Strategies   international-equity-team
Concentrated portfolio of 20-40 high quality global businesses, characterized by hard-to-replicate intangible assets, high returns on operating capital employed and strong free cash flow generation. Designed for investors who seek capital growth, earnings resilience and reduced downside participation.  

Invests in 20-50 high quality, predominantly US companies, characterized by hard-to-replicate intangible assets, high returns on operating capital employed and strong free cash flow generation. Designed for investors who seek capital growth, earnings resilience and reduced downside participation.  

Invests in 20-50 high quality, predominantly non-U.S. companies, characterized by hard-to-replicate intangible assets, high returns on operating capital employed and strong free cash flow generation. Designed for investors who seek capital growth, earnings resilience and reduced downside participation.  


Strategies   counterpoint-global-team
Invests primarily in established companies in the United States that benefit from efficient scale.  

Invests primarily in established and emerging large cap companies in the United States.  

Invests primarily in established companies globally that benefit from efficient scale.  

Invests primarily in companies with growing intrinsic value.  

Invests primarily in established and emerging large cap companies in the United States.  


Strategies   applied-equity-advisors-team
Using a combination of quantitative models and stock-specific research, the strategy aims to invest in approximately 20 global companies with attractive valuations and above-average appreciation potential.  

Using a combination of quantitative models and stock-specific research, the strategy aims to invest in approximately 30-60 global companies with attractive valuations and above-average appreciation potential.  

Seeks to invest in 200-300 stocks that, in aggregate, have exposure to factors it believes will drive returns in the current market environment. All the while employing quantitative models with a stock selection process that includes an quantitative review of material sustainability issues related to any potential holding. The strategy aims to provide a modest tracking error and align closely with the Russell 1000 Index in terms of industry, sector, style and company size.  


Investing involves risks including the possible loss of principal. For additional risk considerations, please click on the strategy name to access the strategy detail page.

A separately managed account may not be appropriate for all investors. Separate accounts managed according to the Strategy include a number of securities and will not necessarily track the performance of any index. Please consider the investment objectives, risks and fees of the Strategy carefully before investing. A minimum asset level is required. For important information about the investment manager, please refer to Form ADV Part 2. 


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