March 10, 2021
Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation |
The Sustainable Finance Regulation Disclosure (SFDR) seeks to enhance sustainability-related disclosures by imposing requirements on financial market participants (e.g. asset managers and investment advisers) and financial products (e.g. Funds). The regulation is part of the European Commissions’ Action Plan on Sustainable Finance and applies to products domiciled in the European Union (EU) or sold to EU investors. The regulation will require 1) the integration of sustainability risks in financial market participants’ investment decision-making processes, and transparency with respect to products which target sustainable investment, and 2) updates to product documentation including prospectuses, websites and ad hoc marketing material.
Sustainability risks include environmental, social or governance events or conditions that, should they occur, could cause an actual or a potential material negative impact on the value of your investments.
The SFDR came into force in December 2019. The regulation is split into Level I and Level II requirements. The Level I requirements will apply as of 10 March 2021. Application of the Level II technical standards has been delayed with an effective date of January 2023.
The SFDR applies to both products and financial market participants. All of Morgan Stanley Investment Management (MSIM) in scope Funds, separately managed accounts and in scope entities (e.g. MSIM Fund Management (Ireland) Limited) will be in compliance with the relevant requirements of the regulation.
The SFDR does not require any changes to the way products are managed, but does require an enhanced level of disclosure. The nature and extent of these disclosure requirements depend on product classification under the regulation.
Products which have met certain ESG criterion with respect to investment process or objective may be classified as Article 8 or Article 9 products. All products which do not meet these criterion are classified as Article 6 or ‘other’ products. Article 8 products promote environmental or social characteristics in the pursuit of other financial objectives. Article 9 products seek to make a positive impact on society or the environment through sustainable investment and have a non-financial objective at the core of their offering. For both Article 8 and 9 products ESG considerations are binding.
All of MSIM’s EU domiciled Funds are in scope of the regulation (e.g. Morgan Stanley Investment Funds, Morgan Stanley Liquidity Funds, etc.) as are MSIM’s funds which are domiciled outside of EU but which are registered for distribution under AIFMD. For more information on MSIM product classifications click here. Product classifications may change over time with the evolution of investment strategies.
Fund investors will be informed of SFDR through the usual client communication processes. In some cases, updates to product offering documents to meet the disclosure regulation will coincide with product changes. In these instances such changes may be subject to a notice period.
Investors who have a separately managed account will be informed individually in advance of the deadline of the enhanced disclosure requirements. No changes are required or anticipated to the way that existing separately managed accounts are managed.
The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation requires Morgan Stanley to classify all of its in scope products and accounts. SFDR product classifications fall under 3 categories: Article 8, Article 9 and ‘Other.’ Article 8 and Article 9 products consider sustainability in a binding way. In addition, Article 8 products promote social and or environmental characteristics and Article 9 products have a sustainable objective. Products which do not meet either the definition of Article 8 or Article 9 are classified as ‘other.’
Please see below a list of all of the SFDR classifications of all in-scope Morgan Stanley Investment Funds. To note, in some cases, a distinction is made between current classification and anticipated classifications. This distinction is drawn where Morgan Stanley is actively working to further enhance the sustainability characteristics of the relevant investment strategy and that this work will result in a change in product classification. These changes are subject to a number of internal and regulatory approvals and may be subject to a 30-day shareholder notice period. For that reason, full detail of the nature of the change or the final effective date of the amended investment objective may not yet be public.
MSIM’s Sustainable Investing Policy, which describe the firm’s high-level approach to ESG and sustainable investing, is available on MSIM’s Sustainable Investing webpage along with our Engagement and Stewardship Principles, which describe the firm’s commitment to active ownership. In addition, MSIM publishes a Global Stewardship report as well as a UK Stewardship Report which highlight our approach to, and progress on, integrating stewardship activities within our investment processes and workplace.
MSIM has enhanced entity level sustainability disclosures to comply with the Level I SFDR requirements. In addition to firm/entity level disclosures, MSIM’s individual investment teams may also publish information on their team or strategy specific approaches to sustainable investing and engagement/stewardship. Where relevant these resources are also available on along with other product level information
Download SFDR FAQ Download SFDR FAQFor more information about the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation click below.
There is no assurance that a portfolio will achieve its investment objective. Portfolios are subject to market risk, which is the possibility that the market values of securities owned by the portfolio will decline and that the value of portfolio shares may therefore be less than what you paid for them. Market values can change daily due to economic and other events (e.g. natural disasters, health crises, terrorism, conflicts and social unrest) that affect markets, countries, companies or governments. It is difficult to predict the timing, duration, and potential adverse effects (e.g. portfolio liquidity) of events.
ESG strategies that incorporate impact investing and/or environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors could result in relative investment performance deviating from other strategies or broad market benchmarks, depending on whether such sectors or investments are in or out of favor in the market. As a result, there is no assurance ESG strategies could result in more favorable investment performance.
In general, equity securities’ values also fluctuate in response to activities specific to a company. Investments in foreign markets entail special risks such as currency, political, economic, and market risks. The risks of investing in emerging market countries are greater than risks associated with investments in foreign developed countries. Fixed income securities are subject to the ability of an issuer to make timely principal and interest payments (credit risk), changes in interest rates (interest-rate risk), the creditworthiness of the issuer and general market liquidity (market risk). In a rising interest-rate environment, bond prices may fall and may result in periods of volatility and increased portfolio redemptions. In a declining interest-rate environment, the portfolio may generate less income. Longer-term securities may be more sensitive to interest rate changes. Real estate investments, including real estate investment trusts, are subject to risks similar to those associated with the direct ownership of real estate.
Alternative investments are speculative, involve a high degree of risk, are highly illiquid, typically have higher fees than other investments, and may engage in the use of leverage, short sales, and derivatives, which may increase the risk of investment loss. These investments are designed for investors who understand and are willing to accept these risks. Performance may be volatile, and an investor could lose all or a substantial portion of its investment.
This communication is only intended for and will only be distributed to persons resident in jurisdictions where such distribution or availability would not be contrary to local laws or regulations.
Ireland: MSIM Fund Management (Ireland) Limited. Registered Office: The Observatory, 7-11 Sir John Rogerson’s, Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland. Registered in Ireland under company number 616661. Regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. United Kingdom: Morgan Stanley Investment Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England. Registered No. 1981121. Registered Office: 25 Cabot Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 4QA, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Dubai: Morgan Stanley Investment Management Limited (Representative Office, Unit Precinct 3-7th Floor-Unit 701 and 702, Level 7, Gate Precinct Building 3, Dubai International Financial Centre, Dubai, 506501, United Arab Emirates. Telephone: +97 (0)14 709 7158). Germany: MSIM Fund Management (Ireland) Limited Niederlassung Deutschland Junghofstrasse 13-15 60311 Frankfurt Deutschland (Gattung: Zweigniederlassung (FDI) gem. § 53b KWG). Italy: MSIM Fund Management (Ireland) Limited, Milan Branch (Sede Secondaria di Milano) is a branch of MSIM Fund Management (Ireland) Limited, a company registered in Ireland, regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland, and whose registered office is at The Observatory, 7-11 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2, D02 VC42, Ireland. MSIM Fund Management (Ireland) Limited Milan Branch (Sede Secondaria di Milano) with seat in Palazzo Serbelloni Corso Venezia, 16 20121 Milano, Italy, is registered in Italy with company number and VAT number 11488280964. The Netherlands: MSIM Fund Management (Ireland) Limited, Rembrandt Tower, 11th Floor Amstelplein 1 1096HA, Netherlands. Telephone: 31 2-0462-1300. Morgan Stanley Investment Management is a branch office of MSIM Fund Management (Ireland) Limited. MSIM Fund Management (Ireland) Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. France: MSIM Fund Management (Ireland) Limited, Paris Branch is a branch of MSIM Fund Management (Ireland) Limited, a company registered in Ireland, regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland and whose registered office is at The Observatory, 7-11 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2, D02 VC42, Ireland. MSIM Fund Management (Ireland) Limited Paris Branch with seat at 61 rue de Monceau 75008 Paris, France, is registered in France with company number 890 071 863 RCS. Spain: MSIM Fund Management (Ireland) Limited, Sucursal en España is a branch of MSIM Fund Management (Ireland) Limited, a company registered in Ireland, regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland and whose registered office is at The Observatory, 7-11 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2, D02 VC42, Ireland. MSIM Fund Management (Ireland) Limited, Sucursal en España with seat in Calle Serrano 55, 28006, Madrid, Spain, is registered in Spain with tax identification number W0058820B. Switzerland: Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc, London, Zurich Branch Authorised and regulated by the Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht (“FINMA”). Registered with the Register of Commerce Zurich CHE-115.415.770. Registered Office: Beethovenstrasse 33, 8002 Zurich, Switzerland, Telephone +41 (0) 44 588 1000. Facsimile Fax: +41(0) 44 588 1074.
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Chile: Neither the Fund nor the interests in the Fund are registered in the Registry of Offshore Securities (el Registro de Valores Extranjeros) or subject to the supervision of the Commission for the Financial Market (la Comisión para el Mercado Financiero). This document and other offering materials relating to the offer of the interests in the Fund do not constitute a public offer of, or an invitation to subscribe for or purchase, the Fund interests in the Republic of Chile, other than to individually identified purchasers pursuant to a private offering within the meaning of Article 4 of the Chilean Securities Act (la Ley del Mercado de Valores) (an offer that is not “addressed to the public at large or to a certain sector or specific group of the public”).
Colombia: This document does not constitute an invitation to invest or a public offer in the Republic of Colombia and is not governed by Colombian law. The interests in the Fund have not been and will not be registered with the National Register of Securities and Issuers (el Registro Nacional de Valores y Emisores) maintained by the Financial Supervisory Authority of Colombia (la Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia) and will not be listed on the Colombian Stock Exchange (la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia). The interests in the Fund are being offered under circumstances which do not constitute a public offering of securities under applicable Colombian securities laws and regulations. The offer of the interests in the Fund is addressed to fewer than one hundred specifically identified investors. Accordingly, the interests in the Fund may not be marketed, offered, sold or negotiated in Colombia, except under circumstances which do not constitute a public offering of securities under applicable Colombian securities laws and regulations. This document is provided at the request of the addressee for information purposes only and does not constitute a solicitation. The interests in the Fund may not be promoted or marketed in Colombia or to Colombian residents unless such promotion and marketing is carried out in compliance with Decree 2555 of 2010 and other applicable rules and regulations related to the promotion of foreign financial and securities related products or services in Colombia.
Colombian eligible investors acknowledge that the interests in the Fund (i) are not financial products, (ii) are transferable only in accordance with the terms of the Fund's constitutional documents and (iii) do not offer any principal protection.
Colombian eligible investors acknowledge Colombian laws and regulations (in particular, foreign exchange, securities and tax regulations) applicable to any transaction or investment consummated in connection with an investment in the Fund, and represent that they are the sole liable party for full compliance with any such laws and regulations. In addition, Colombian investors acknowledge and agree that the Fund will not have any responsibility, liability or obligation in connection with any consent, approval, filing, proceeding, authorization or permission required by the investor or any actions taken or to be taken by the investor in connection with the offer, sale or delivery of the interests in the Fund under Colombian law.
Mexico: Any prospective purchaser of the interests in the Fund must be either an institutional investor (inversionista institucional) or a qualified investor (inversionista calificado) within the meaning of the Mexican Securities Market Law (Ley del Mercado de Valores) (the “Securities Market Law”) and other applicable Mexican laws in effect.
The interests in the Fund have not and will not be registered in the National Registry of Securities (Registro Nacional de Valores) maintained by the Mexican Banking and Securities Commission (Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores). The interests in the Fund may not be offered or sold in the United Mexican States by any means except in circumstances which constitute a private offering pursuant to Article 8 of the Securities Market Law and its regulations. No Mexican regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the interests in the Fund or passed on the solvency of the Fund. All applicable provisions of the Securities Market Law must be complied with in respect of any sale, offer or distribution of, or intermediation in respect of, the Fund interests in, from or otherwise involving Mexico, and any resale of the interests in the Fund within Mexican territory must be made in a manner that will constitute a private offering pursuant to Article 8 of the Securities Market Law and its regulations.
Peru: The interests in the Fund have not been and will not be registered in Peru under Decreto Legislativo 862: Ley de Fondos de Inversión y sus Sociedades Administradoras or under Decreto Legislativo 861: Ley del Mercado de Valores (the “Securities Market Law”), and are being offered to institutional investors only (as defined in article 8 of the Securities Market Law) pursuant to a private placement, according to article 5 of the Securities Market Law. The interests in the Fund have not been registered in the securities market public registry (Registro Público del Mercado de Valores) maintained by, and the offering of the Fund interests in Peru is not subject to the supervision of, the Superintendencia del Mercado de Valores. Any transfers of the Fund interests shall be subject to the limitations contained in the Securities Market Law and the regulations issued thereunder.
Uruguay: The offering of the Interests qualifies as a private placement pursuant to section 2 of Uruguayan law 18,627. The Interests will not be offered or sold to the public (Individuals or Companies) in Uruguay, except in circumstances which do not constitute a public offering or distribution through a recognized Exchange under Uruguayan laws and regulations,. Neither the Fund nor the Interests are or will be registered with la Superintendencia de Servicios Financieros del Banco Central del Uruguay. The Fund corresponds to an investment fund that is not an investment fund regulated by Uruguayan law 16,774 dated September 27, 1996, as amended.
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Please consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the funds carefully before investing. The prospectuses contain this and other information about the funds. To obtain a prospectus please download one at or call 1-800-548-7786. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing.
Morgan Stanley Distribution, Inc. serves as the distributor for Morgan Stanley funds.
EMEA: This marketing communication has been issued by MSIM Fund Management (Ireland) Limited. MSIM Fund Management (Ireland) Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. MSIM Fund Management (Ireland) Limited is incorporated in Ireland as a private company limited by shares with company registration number 616661 and has its registered address at The Observatory, 7-11 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2, D02 VC42, Ireland.
There is no guarantee that any investment strategy will work under all market conditions, and each investor should evaluate their ability to invest for the long-term, especially during periods of downturn in the market. Prior to investing, investors should carefully review the strategy’s/product’s relevant offering document. There are important differences in how the strategy is carried out in each of the investment vehicles.
A separately managed account may not be appropriate for all investors. Separate accounts managed according to the Strategy include a number of securities and will not necessarily track the performance of any index. Please consider the investment objectives, risks and fees of the Strategy carefully before investing.
The views and opinions are those of the author or the investment team as of the date of preparation of this material and are subject to change at any time due to market or economic conditions and may not necessarily come to pass. Furthermore, the views will not be updated or otherwise revised to reflect information that subsequently becomes available or circumstances existing, or changes occurring, after the date of publication. The views expressed do not reflect the opinions of all investment teams at Morgan Stanley Investment Management (MSIM) or the views of the firm as a whole, and may not be reflected in all the strategies and products that the Firm offers.
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Morgan Stanley Investment Management is the asset management division of Morgan Stanley.
Article 8 products are those which promote environmental or social characteristics and which integrate sustainability into the investment process in a binding manner.
Product Name | Asset Class | Description |
American Resilience Fund | Equity |
The investment team believes that high quality companies with strong market positions at reasonable valuations should lead to high returns on operating capital and resilience across market cycles. ESG analysis and active portfolio manager-led engagement are fundamental to the investment process. |
Asia Opportunity Fund | Emerging Markets Equity |
The Fund seeks long-term capital appreciation by investing in high quality established and emerging companies located in Asia (excluding Japan) that the investment team believes are undervalued at the time of purchase. To achieve its objective, the investment team typically favors companies it believes have sustainable competitive advantages that can be monetized through growth. The investment process integrates analysis of sustainability with respect to disruptive change, financial strength, environmental and social externalities and governance (also referred to as ESG). |
Asian Property Fund | Global Listed Real Assets |
We seek attractive long-term, risk-adjusted returns by investing in publicly traded real estate securities we believe offer the best value relative to their underlying assets and earnings. This dual focus for the identification of value allows us to appreciate the going concern valuation of the company as well as the liquidation value of the tangible property portfolio. We utilize proprietary research to assess both real estate specific factors and broader equity market factors, as well as Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors to calculate appropriate valuation metrics. Top-down considerations are also incorporated into the portfolio construction process and the Team may integrate forecasted fundamental inflections, macroeconomic considerations, geopolitical and country risk assessments, among other factors. |
Calvert Global Equity Fund | Equity |
The investment team employs an active, bottom up, fundamental investment approach to identify companies with sustainable business models that effectively manage their financially material ESG factors. Proprietary ESG insights are incorporated into the investment team’s fundamental assessment of the sustainability of each company’s business model. The Team recognises that behavioural biases are present in every investment team and have developed a proprietary approach towards minimising these biases, termed Portfolio Exercises, which are provocative, action-oriented, contrarian and creative. As active stewards of client capital, the Team look for opportunities to influence change and strengthen the sustainability of business models through engagement. Fund managers use a disciplined bottom-up, conviction led, risk aware and balanced approach to manage a concentrated portfolio. |
Calvert Sustainable Euro Corporate Bond Fund | Fixed Income |
Seeks to provide an attractive rate of relative return, measured in Euros, through investment in Euro denominated fixed income securities issued by corporations. The investment process of the Fund integrates the consideration of sustainability themes and ESG issues in its investment decision-making, utilizing a proprietary ESG research process that applies the Calvert Principles for Responsible Investment. In doing so, the Fund promotes environmental sustainability and resource efficiency, equitable societies and respect for human rights, in addition to accountable governance and transparent operations. The Fund is committed to maintaining a lower carbon intensity than the Bloomberg Euro Aggregate Corporate Bond Index and will aim to halve its carbon intensity by 2030, compared to end-2020. |
Calvert Sustainable Euro Strategic Bond Fund | Fixed Income |
Seeks to provide an attractive rate of relative return, measured in Euros, through investment in Euro denominated fixed income securities issued by corporations, governments or government guaranteed issuers. The investment process of the Fund integrates the consideration of sustainability themes and ESG issues in its investment decision-making, utilizing a proprietary ESG research process that applies the Calvert Principles for Responsible Investment. In doing so, the Fund promotes environmental sustainability and resource efficiency, equitable societies and respect for human rights, in addition to accountable governance and transparent operations. The Fund is committed to maintaining a lower carbon intensity for its corporate bond investments than the corporate bond component of the Bloomberg Euro Aggregate Index and will aim to halve its carbon intensity by 2030, compared to end-2020. |
Calvert US Equity Fund | Equity |
The investment team believes companies with a demonstrated history of consistent growth and stability in earnings provide attractive returns with moderate risk over the long-term. The team will invest in high quality companies that through business operations and practices exhibit sound management of ESG characteristics. Through an active, bottom-up fundamental investment approach, the fund managers construct a conviction-weighted portfolio of quality, sustainable, growth companies trading at or below their estimate of intrinsic value. |
Developing Opportunity Fund | Emerging Markets Equity |
The Fund seeks long-term capital appreciation by investing primarily in high quality companies located or operating in developing or emerging market countries, with capitalizations within the range of companies in the MSCI Emerging Markets Net Index. To achieve its objective, the investment team typically favors companies it believes have sustainable competitive advantages that can be monetized through growth. The investment process integrates analysis of sustainability with respect to disruptive change, financial strength, environmental and social externalities and governance (also referred to as ESG). |
Emerging Leaders Equity Fund | Emerging Markets Equity |
We focus on the future drivers of growth across the emerging markets in a way that is benchmark agnostic and seek the most compelling opportunities by building an actively managed, focused portfolio of companies positioned to benefit from these growth themes. The fund considers ESG criteria during the investment process to limit exposure to ESG risks. |
Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund | Fixed Income |
Seeks to maximise total return, measured in U.S. dollars, primarily through investments across the credit spectrum of debt securities of corporate issuers, together with investing in debt securities of government and government related issuers located in emerging markets. The Fund intends to invest its assets in emerging market corporate debt securities that provide a high level of current income, while at the same time holding the potential for capital appreciation. |
Emerging Markets Debt Fund | Fixed Income |
Seeks to maximise total return, measured in U.S. dollars, through investment in the debt securities of government and government-related issuers located in emerging countries. |
Emerging Markets Fixed Income Opportunities Fund | Fixed Income |
We seek high total return from income and price appreciation by investing in a range of sovereign, quasi-sovereign and corporate debt securities in emerging markets, which may include U.S. dollar-denominated, local currency, and corporate debt securities. We believe that emerging markets experiencing positive fundamental change may present attractive investment opportunities for investors. To help achieve its objective, we combine top-down country allocation with bottom-up security selection. |
Emerging Markets Local Income Fund | Fixed Income |
The investment team applies its fundamental, country-level economic and political research process combined with valuation analysis across more than 100 countries in directing Fund investments. The Fund provides exposures to select currencies and local interest rates of emerging-market economies in a benchmark-aware fashion while including significant exposure to off-benchmark countries. |
Euro Corporate Bond Fund | Fixed Income |
Seeks to provide an attractive rate of relative return, measured in Euro, through investment primarily in high quality issues of Euro denominated fixed income securities, issued by corporations and other non-government related issuers ('corporate bonds'). |
Euro Corporate Bond – Duration Hedged Fund | Fixed Income |
Seeks to provide an attractive rate of return, measured in Euro, while seeking to reduce the Fund’s exposure to market interest rate movements. |
Europe Opportunity Fund | Equity |
The fund seeks to maximize capital appreciation by investing primarily in high quality established and emerging companies located in Europe that the investment team believes are undervalued at the time of purchase. To achieve its objective, the investment team typically favors companies it believes have sustainable competitive advantages that can be monetized through growth. The investment process integrates analysis of sustainability with respect to disruptive change, financial strength, environmental and social externalities and governance (also referred to as ESG). |
European Fixed Income Opportunities Fund | Fixed Income |
Seeks to provide an attractive level of total return, measured in euros, by investing primarily in euro-denominated securities of corporate, government and government-related issuers, across a spectrum of fixed income asset classes, including high-yield bonds, investment-grade bonds, mortgage-backed securities, convertibles and currencies. |
European High Yield Bond Fund | Fixed Income |
Seeks to provide an attractive rate of return, measured in euro, through investments worldwide primarily in lower rated and unrated fixed income securities issued by governments, agencies and corporations that offer a yield above that generally available on debt securities in the four highest rating categories of S&P or Moody's denominated in European currencies. |
Global Asset Backed Securities Fund | Fixed Income |
Seeks to provide an attractive rate of total return, measured in U.S. dollars, through investment primarily in fixed income securities that are mortgage-backed securities, commercial mortgage-backed securities, collateralized mortgage obligations and covered bonds that are covered by mortgages ('mortgage backed securities'). |
Global Balanced Defensive Fund | Multi-Asset |
Seeks an attractive level of total return by managing a broad asset mix within a targeted risk range of 2-6%, which is subject to change. The fund invests primarily in equities, fixed income, commodity-linked investments and cash. Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) factors may be considered in assessing potential return and contribution to portfolio risk. |
Global Balanced Fund | Multi-Asset |
Seeks an attractive level of total return by managing a broad asset mix within a targeted risk range of 4-10%, which is subject to change. The fund invests primarily in equities, fixed income, commodity-linked investments and cash. Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) factors may be considered in assessing potential return and contribution to portfolio risk. |
Global Balanced Income Fund | Multi-Asset |
Seeks an attractive level of total return by managing a broad asset mix within a targeted risk range of 4-10%, which is subject to change. The fund invests primarily in equities, fixed income, commodity-linked investments and cash. Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) factors may be considered in assessing potential return and contribution to portfolio risk. Income is enhanced by the sale of put options on major equity indices. Derivatives such as index futures are used for efficient portfolio management. |
Global Balanced Sustainable Fund | Multi-Asset |
Seeks an attractive level of total return by managing a broad asset mix within a targeted risk range of 4-10%, expressed in terms of annualised volatility. The fund invests primarily in equity securities, fixed income securities, money market instruments and cash. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors are integrated into the investment process, through exclusions applied to the Fund’s equity and government bond investments, and by tilting the equity investments held directly by the Fund towards ESG and low carbon transition leaders. In addition, 5-30% of the fund’s assets will be invested with managers who explicitly aim to provide solutions across a number of positive environmental and social themes, alongside a financial return. The investment team engages with companies on ESG issues they deem material in terms of risk, return or impact. |
Global Bond Fund | Fixed Income |
Seeks to provide an attractive rate of return, measured in U.S. dollars, through market, instrument and currency selection. The Fund consists of domestic, international and euromarket fixed income securities of varying maturities denominated in U.S. dollars and other currencies, including emerging markets. |
Global Brands Equity Income Fund | Equity |
Built on the same high quality investment process as Global Brands, the Fund seeks to provide an attractive and steady income using a conservative overwrite alongside long-term compounding of capital. ESG analysis and active, portfolio manager-led engagement are fundamental to the investment process. |
Global Brands Fund | Equity |
The investment team believes that high quality companies built on dominant market positions and underpinned by powerful intangible assets can generate attractive returns over the long term. ESG analysis and active, portfolio manager-led engagement are fundamental to the investment process. |
Global Convertible Bond Fund | Fixed Income |
Seeks long-term capital appreciation, measured in U.S. dollars, through investment primarily in convertible bonds issued by companies organised or operating in either the developed or emerging markets which will be denominated in global currencies. |
Global Credit Fund | Fixed Income |
Seeks to provide an attractive rate of relative return, measured in U.S. dollars, through investment primarily in high-quality issues of fixed income securities issued by corporations and other non-government issuers ('corporate bonds') organised or operating in both developed and emerging markets and denominated in global currencies. |
Global Fixed Income Opportunities Fund | Fixed Income |
The Global Fixed Income Opportunities Fund combines a top-down macroeconomic assessment, to determine optimal beta positioning for the portfolio, with rigorous bottom-up fundamental and quantitative analysis to guide our active management decisions. Our approach to managing an active, flexible strategy is to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns by creating a highly diversified portfolio constructed from a broad set of fixed income assets, while paying close attention to the correlations between the asset classes in order to blend risks optimally. |
Global High Yield Bond Fund | Fixed Income |
Seeks to provide an attractive rate of return, measured in U.S. dollars, through investments worldwide primarily in Fixed Income Securities issued by corporations that are rated lower than 'BBB-' by S&P or 'Baa3' by Moody's or similarly by another internationally recognised rating service or determined to be of similar creditworthiness by the Investment Advisor. The global nature of the Fund allows the portfolio manager to access greater liquidity in a broader market, to seek relative value opportunities, and to obtain exposure to different economic trajectories around the world. |
Global Infrastructure Fund | Global Listed Real Assets |
We apply a well-defined, value-oriented, bottom-up driven investment process that focuses on investing in equity securities of publicly listed infrastructure companies we believe offer the best value relative to their underlying infrastructure value and net asset value growth prospects, irrespective of short-term market trends. |
Global Insight Fund | Equity |
We seek established and emerging companies globally, that we believe have sustainable competitive advantages with above average business visibility, the ability to deploy capital at high rates of return, strong balance sheets and an attractive risk/reward profile. |
Global Opportunity Fund | Equity |
The Fund seeks long-term capital appreciation by investing globally in high quality established and emerging companies that the investment team believes are undervalued at the time of purchase. To achieve its objective, the investment team typically favors companies it believes have sustainable competitive advantages that can be monetized through growth. The investment process integrates analysis of sustainability with respect to disruptive change, financial strength, environmental and social externalities and governance (also referred to as ESG). |
Global Property Fund | Global Listed Real Assets |
We seek attractive long-term, risk-adjusted returns by investing in publicly traded real estate securities we believe offer the best value relative to their underlying assets and earnings. This dual focus for the identification of value allows us to appreciate the going concern valuation of the company as well as the liquidation value of the tangible property portfolio. We utilize proprietary research to assess both real estate specific factors and broader equity market factors, as well as Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors to calculate appropriate valuation metrics. Top-down considerations are also incorporated into the portfolio construction process and the Team may integrate forecasted fundamental inflections, macroeconomic considerations, geopolitical and country risk assessments, among other factors. |
Global Quality Fund | Equity |
The investment team believes that high quality companies built on dominant market positions and underpinned by powerful intangible assets can generate attractive returns over the long term. ESG analysis and active, portfolio manager-led engagement are fundamental to the investment process. |
Global Sustain Fund | Equity |
The Fund typically invests in intrinsically carbon-light companies and has a significantly lower carbon footprint than the broader market, with a robust carbon-related exclusions policy and filtering process. In addition to its carbon exclusions, the Portfolio has a number of business activity** exclusions, including alcohol, gambling, tobacco and weapons. The investment team views long-term portfolio manager-led engagement as a critical underpinning to an active investment process. |
Short Maturity Euro Bond Fund | Fixed Income |
Seeks to provide an attractive rate of relative return, measured in Euro, through investment primarily in high-quality issues of Euro-denominated fixed income securities, whether issued by corporations, government or government-guaranteed issuers. The Fund will invest primarily, in order to reduce volatility, in individual securities with maturity dates having a maximum of five years. |
US Advantage Fund | Equity |
We seek established large cap companies in the United States, that we believe have strong name recognition and sustainable competitive advantages with above average business visibility, the ability to deploy capital at high rates of return, strong balance sheets and an attractive risk/reward profile. |
US Dollar Short Duration High Yield Bond Fund | Fixed Income |
We focus on middle-market credits, or credits with less than $1 billion of total debt outstanding, using a value-oriented fixed income approach. In our experience, middle-market issues relative to larger peers can provide superior yields, higher coupons, shorter maturities and lower volatility, with default rates that are generally in line with the broader market. |
US Growth Fund | Equity |
We seek established and emerging large cap companies in the United States, that we believe have sustainable competitive advantages with above average business visibility, the ability to deploy capital at high rates of return, strong balance sheets and an attractive risk/reward profile. |
US High Yield Middle Market Bond Fund | Fixed Income |
We focus on middle-market credits, or credits with less than $1 billion of total debt outstanding, using a value-oriented fixed income approach. In our experience, middle-market issues relative to larger peers can provide superior yields, higher coupons, shorter maturities and lower volatility, with default rates that are generally in line with the broader market. |
US Property Fund | Global Listed Real Assets |
We seek attractive long-term, risk-adjusted returns by investing in publicly traded real estate securities we believe offer the best value relative to their underlying assets and earnings. This dual focus for the identification of value allows us to appreciate the going concern valuation of the company as well as the liquidation value of the tangible property portfolio. We utilize proprietary research to assess both real estate specific factors and broader equity market factors, as well as Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors to calculate appropriate valuation metrics. Top-down considerations are also incorporated into the portfolio construction process and the Team may integrate forecasted fundamental inflections, macroeconomic considerations, geopolitical and country risk assessments, among other factors. |
US Value Fund | Equity |
The Fund employs an Opportunistic Value approach, seeking out leading companies that are mispriced, out of favor, or misunderstood by the market, and trading at a discount to their intrinsic value. We focus on leading companies with high return on invested capital, financial discipline and a strong free cash flow profile. The Team recognizes that behavioral biases are present in every investment team and have developed a proprietary library, termed Portfolio Exercises, which are action-oriented, contrarian and stimulate idea generation. Our bottom-up, fundamental and ESG research enables us to create a strategy of 25-45 companies that seeks to offer consistent value exposure without sacrificing quality. |
Article 9 products are those which have a sustainable investment objective and which integrate sustainability into the investment process in a binding manner.
Product Name | Asset Class | Description |
Calvert Sustainable Climate Aligned Fund | Equity |
Long term growth of your investment involving economic activities that address climate transition and/or are aligned to the long term de-carbonisation objectives of the Paris Agreement.The Fund is in scope of Article 9 of the European Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation. |
Calvert Sustainable Climate Transition Fund | Global Listed Real Assets |
The Fund seeks to achieve its climate change mitigation and adaptation objective by investing in companies whose business models either have a current, direct impact on lowering carbon emissions or are investing significant capital in Property, Plant, and Equipment (PP&E), technology, and processes that will help facilitate lower carbon emissions in the future and which qualify as Sustainable Investments. |
Calvert Sustainable Developed Europe Equity Select Fund | Equity |
Calvert Sustainable Developed Europe Equity Select Fund's investment objective is to provide long-term capital appreciation, measured in Euro, primarily investing in companies that are involved in economic activities that address global environmental or societal challenges that relate to areas such as environmental sustainability and resource efficiency, diversity, equity and inclusion, respect for human rights, product responsibility, human capital management and accountable governance and transparent operations, or are leaders in managing financially material environmental or social risks and opportunities. This fund further takes into account the long-term carbon reduction objectives of the Paris Agreement and advancement of diversity, equity and inclusion. |
Calvert Sustainable Developed Markets Equity Select Fund | Equity |
The Calvert Sustainable Developed Markets Equity Select Fund’s investment objective is to provide long-term capital appreciation, measured in US Dollars , primarily investing in companies that are involved in economic activities that address global environmental or societal challenges, such as environmental sustainability and resource efficiency, diversity, equity and inclusion, respect for human rights, product responsibility, human capital management and accountable governance and transparent operations, or are leaders in managing financially material environmental or social risks and opportunities. This fund further takes into account the long-term carbon reduction objectives of the Paris Agreement and advancement of diversity, equity and inclusion. |
Calvert Sustainable Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Fund | Equity |
The Calvert Sustainable Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Fund’s investment objective is to provide long-term capital appreciation and advance diversity, equity and inclusion, measured in US Dollars, primarily investing in companies that demonstrate leadership or meaningful improvement in having a diverse workforce and an equal and inclusive work culture. The Fund will seek to maintain higher levels of workforce diversity at a portfolio level than the underlying market benchmark as measured by average percentage of women at the board level and average percentage of board members representing underrepresented ethnicities. |
Calvert Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Select Fund | Equity |
Calvert Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Select Fund's investment objective is to provide long-term capital appreciation, measured in US Dollars, primarily investing in companies that are involved in economic activities that address global environmental or societal challenges that relate to areas such as environmental sustainability and resource efficiency, diversity, equity and inclusion, respect for human rights, product responsibility, human capital management and accountable governance and transparent operations, or are leaders in managing financially material environmental or social risks and opportunities. This strategy further takes into account the long-term carbon reduction objectives of the Paris Agreement and advancement of diversity, equity and inclusion. |
Calvert Sustainable Global Green Bond Fund | Fixed Income |
The Fund will invest primarily in Green Bonds including the global securities of corporate, government and government related issuers across a spectrum of fixed income asset classes. Calvert integrates the consideration of sustainability themes and ESG issues in its investment decision-making on a discretionary basis as detailed below. In addition, the Investment Adviser may engage company management around corporate governance practices and what it deems to be materially important environmental and/or social issues facing a company. |
Calvert Sustainable US Equity Select Fund | Equity |
The Calvert Sustainable US Equity Select Fund’s investment objective is to provide long-term capital appreciation, measured in US Dollars, primarily investing in companies that are involved in economic activities that address global environmental or societal challenges that relate to areas such as environmental sustainability and resource efficiency, diversity, equity and inclusion, respect for human rights, product responsibility, human capital management and accountable governance and transparent operations, or are leaders in managing financially material environmental or social risks and opportunities. This fund further takes into account the long-term carbon reduction objectives of the Paris Agreement and advancement of diversity, equity and inclusion. |