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carons-corner audio
Caron's Corner  •  16-set-2024  •  4:25 Min

Have Glory Days Passed You By? Maybe Not. 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Media Appearance  •  10-set-2024

Craig Brandon on Bloomberg Surveillance Radio 

Craig Brandon
Craig Brandon, Co-Head of Municipals at Morgan Stanley Investment Management, joins Bloomberg Surveillance Radio to discuss the muni market, its focus on infrastructure, the opportunity in high yield munis right now and how sectors such as commercial real estate may impact the municipal market.

beat page
Monthly  •  5-set-2024

The BEAT - September 2024 

Portfolio Solutions Group
Use The BEAT as your timely resource for this month’s markets. Each edition gives you ideas and insights that show you how to navigate the current investment environment.

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Caron's Corner  •  5-set-2024  •  8:12 Min

Analisi The BEAT per il mese di settembre 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, Co-Lead Global Portfolio Manager e Co-Chief Investment Officer, Global Balanced Risk Control Team, illustra i suoi giudizi tematici macro sui principali fattori di sostegno dei mercati.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  4-set-2024

The Industrial Reset in Emerging Markets 

Jitania Kandhari, Saumya Jain
Assembly lines worldwide are humming with activity, signaling a promising revival of the manufacturing sector after decades of sluggishness. In emerging markets, this capital expenditure revival is being supported by governments and better macro conditions. Jitania Kandhari and Saumya Jain explain.

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Caron's Corner  •  26-ago-2024  •  7:56 Min

A Tale of Two Economies: The Best of Times, The Worst of Times 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Global Equity Observer  •  26-ago-2024

Mercati di nicchia: alla ricerca delle strade meno battute  

Richard Perrott
Sebbene gran parte delle società partecipate siano aziende di grandi dimensioni con marchi consolidati e conosciuti, la nostra esperienza ci insegna che è possibile trovare anche ottime aziende e opportunità d’investimento prendendo in considerazione operatori che si concentrano su nicchie specializzate, in particolare quelli che svolgono un ruolo cruciale nell'ambito di un determinato mercato e che vantano stretti rapporti con i clienti. Queste aziende, ingiustamente, ma non sorprendentemente, spesso non attirano l'attenzione del mercato e possono essere ignorate dagli analisti sell-side.

alternatives page
Alternatives  •  23-ago-2024

All About Alpha: Capturing Returns in Today's Market Environment 

Kara O'Halloran
Discover why the current market is conducive to market-neutral strategies, with the ability to generate alpha on both the long and short sides of portfolios.

Insight Article  •  15-ago-2024

A Compelling Opportunity in REITs 

Laurel Durkay
Given the Fed is expected to start cutting interest rates in 2H24, we believe now is an excellent time to consider an allocation to REITs.

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Video: Can the Fed Take Home a Gold? 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Explore the latest expectations for Fed rate cuts, reasons to closely watch the US elections, and why we continue to favor short-duration credit.

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Video: La Fed può portare a casa una medaglia d’oro? 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Scopri le ultime aspettative della Fed sui tagli dei tassi, i motivi per monitorare le elezioni negli Stati Uniti e le ragioni per cui continuiamo a prediligere il credito a breve duration.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  12-ago-2024

La Fed riuscirà a portare a casa una vittoria? 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Nonostante la riluttanza delle banche centrali a impegnarsi preventivamente sui percorsi di politica monetaria, l’ottimismo degli investitori obbligazionari è aumentato. Analisi del team Broad Market Fixed Income.

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Caron's Corner  •  12-ago-2024  •  7:00 Min

There Is Nothing to Fear, but FEAR Itself! 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Market Alert  •  12-ago-2024  •  7:09 Min

Market Alert with Andrew Slimmon 

Andrew Slimmon
Andrew Slimmon, Head of the Applied Equity Advisors Team, offers a timely perspective on what is shaping the markets now as well as insights on investment opportunities and risk within global equities. Listen to his Market Alert.

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Insight Article  •  9-ago-2024

Alternative Investments: Increased Accessibility for Investors and What Advisors Need to Know 

Frank Famiglietti
With the “democratization” of alternatives, many individual investors now have access to investment strategies that have the potential to improve performance and diversification.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  7-ago-2024

A New Era in South Africa 

Paul Psaila
In a remarkable twist of events, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa turned a potentially career-ending electoral defeat into a victory that may reshape the nation's political and economic landscape. Paul Psaila explains.

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Media Appearance  •  6-ago-2024  •  28:05 Min

Jeff Levin & Ashwin Krishnan on InsuranceAUM Podcast 

Jeff Levin, Ashwin Krishnan
Jeff Levin and Ashwin Krishnan discuss private credit, its outlook and where they see opportunities, on InsuranceAUM’s podcast.

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Media Appearance  •  6-ago-2024  •  36:45 Min

Aaron Sack on InsuranceAUM Podcast 

Aaron Sack
Head of Morgan Stanley Capital Partners, Aaron Sack, discusses how to build a successful middle market buyout strategy, and the role of private equity in market growth.

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beat page
Mensile  •  5-ago-2024

The BEAT - Agosto 2024 

Portfolio Solutions Group
Utilizziamo il ‘’The BEAT’’ come risorsa a cui attingere per comprendere il mercato nel corso del mese. Ogni edizione offre idee e approfondimenti che illustrano come affrontare l’attuale contesto d’investimento.

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Caron's Corner  •  5-ago-2024  •  5:29 Min

Analisi The BEAT per il mese di luglio 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, Co-Lead Global Portfolio Manager e Co-Chief Investment Officer, Global Balanced Risk Control Team, illustra i suoi giudizi tematici macro sui principali fattori di sostegno dei mercati.

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Global Equity Observer  •  29-lug-2024

Nvidia delle mie brame 

Bruno Paulson, Laura Bottega
Il mercato sembra essere dominato da una duplice convinzione: l’invulnerabilità dell’economia statunitense e l’impatto massiccio dell’intelligenza artificiale generativa. Questo non è certo il contesto più facile per una filosofia d’investimento che punta a individuare vincitori affermati capaci di generare utili resilienti in tempi difficili. Tuttavia, aspettative generalmente elevate, e in maniera sempre più accentuata per una società in particolare, ci spingono a rimanere cauti nei confronti delle prospettive di mercato. Rimaniamo fedeli al nostro processo di qualità e ci concentriamo sul compounding assoluto e a lungo termine.

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Caron's Corner  •  29-lug-2024  •  6:55 Min

Il nostro nuovo modello FEAR: Fed, Employment (occupazione), Asset prices (listini) e Rates (tassi) 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, Co-Lead Global Portfolio Manager e Co-Chief Investment Officer, Global Balanced Risk Control Team, illustra i suoi giudizi tematici macro sui principali fattori di sostegno dei mercati.

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alternatives page
Alternatives  •  25-lug-2024

How Multi-Manager Platforms Find Strength in Numbers 

AIP Hedge Fund Team
In recent years, multi-manager platforms (Multi-PMs) have completely transformed the hedge fund world. In this FAQ, we answer fundamental questions about these Multi-PMs. What are they and why are they attracting so many investors?

consilient-observer page
Consilient Observer  •  24-lug-2024

Which One Is It? Equity Issuance and Retirement 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
Consilient Research considers the phenomenon of companies that both issue and retire shares around the same time. This behavior may fail the central goal of capital allocation, which is to buy low and sell high. Which one is it?

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Video: Roller Coaster Continues as Elections Generate Volatility 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Co-Head of Broad Markets Fixed Income Vishal Khanduja discusses the probability for a U.S. soft landing, the heightened political uncertainty and how investors should think about positioning for volatility.

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Insight Article  •  23-lug-2024

After Trough NAV Discount Comes Trough NAV 

Laurel Durkay, Simon Robson Brown, Christopher Freemantle
Historically, the trough in European listed real estate NAV discounts has preceded the trough in values and NAVs by around six to nine months. We think this time is no different, and that now we’re at—or very close to—trough NAV for the sector.

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Video: Prosegue la volatilità generata dalle elezioni 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Vishal Khanduja, Co-Head del team Broad Markets Fixed Income, discute la probabilità di un atterraggio morbido negli Stati Uniti, l’accresciuta incertezza politica e il modo in cui gli investitori dovrebbero riflettere sul posizionamento per la volatilità.

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takeaways-key-expectations page
Takeaways & Key Expectations  •  23-lug-2024

Equity Market Commentary - July 2024 

Andrew Slimmon
In his July TAKE, Senior Portfolio Manager Andrew Slimmon reiterates the rational behavior of the stock market so far this year given corporate fundamentals and stock performance appear closely aligned. And discusses why, in spite of nearer term volatility, the market could finish the year higher still.

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Market Monitor  •  16-lug-2024

Floating-Rate Loan Market Monitor – Q2 2024 

Floating-Rate Loan Group
Insight on loan market fundamentals and the role of floating-rate loans within portfolios.

beat page
Webinar  •  16-lug-2024

Webinar trimestrale del The BEAT – Luglio 2024  

Il trimestre che ci aspetta e le migliori idee di asset allocation dei nostri specialisti d’investimento, moderati da Miguel Vialba, Head of Investment Management Iberia.

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Market Monitor  •  16-lug-2024

Emerging Markets Debt Monitor – Q2 2024 

Emerging Markets Debt Team
In-depth review of fundamentals and valuations across emerging markets debt.

Insight Article  •  16-lug-2024

Look to securitized markets for alternative sources of yield 

Andrew Szczurowski, Gregory Finck
The impressive performance of corporate credit markets to start the year has prompted many investors to begin seeking out alternative sources of yield and total return in the global fixed income markets.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  16-lug-2024

Roller Coaster Continues as Elections Generate Volatility 

Fixed Income
June was a mixed month for fixed income. Lower US yields were supported by weaker-than-expected inflation and increased market expectations of further rate cuts.What was the impact on fixed income markets? The Broad Markets Fixed Income team explains.

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Market Monitor  •  16-lug-2024

Municipal Bond Market Monitor – Q2 2024 

Municipal Bond Group
Overview of the trends and developments in the muni bond markets.

tales-from-the-emerging-world page
Tales From the Emerging World  •  11-lug-2024

Hidden Gems: Unearthing the Potential of Overlooked Markets  

Steven Quattry
Small emerging and frontier market countries have weathered crises this decade, but are implementing reforms based on orthodox economic policies. Despite massive currency depreciations, the equity markets in many of these countries, such as Argentina and Pakistan, have generated stronger earnings per share—in dollar terms—compared to the broader MSCI EM Index. Steven Quattry explains why these countries merit a closer look.

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Global Equity Observer  •  11-lug-2024

Pensiero indipendente 

William Lock
Gestione attiva o passiva? Questo annoso interrogativo è mal posto. Un’opzione non per forza esclude l’altra. Riteniamo anzi che una coesistenza in portafoglio di investimenti indicizzati e investimenti a gestione attiva sia assolutamente proficua. I fondi passivi offrono non solo un’esposizione ad ampio spettro e la possibilità di accedere agilmente e in modo conveniente a temi tattici, ma anche l’opportunità di operare in modo selettivo, soprattutto se si considerano gli orientamenti degli indici. Quando i prezzi delle azioni si disconnettono dai fondamentali, gli stock picker più abili possono approfittarne, se hanno la fortuna di disporre di un orizzonte temporale più lungo e di poter contare sulla prosecuzione di un rialzo trainato dai multipli.

Video di approfondimento  •  10-lug-2024

Obbligazioni high yield: Tre aspetti da monitorare in questo mercato attuale (video) 

Dónal Kinsella
Il gestore di portafoglio Dónal Kinsella illustra tre aree chiave che gli investitori obbligazionari high yield dovrebbero prendere in considerazione e perché un approccio discrezionale alla selezione del credito è fondamentale.

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Mid-Year  •  3-lug-2024

Key Themes for the Second Half of 2024 

Portfolio Solutions Group
The second half of 2024 will be impacted by interest rates, inflation and the U.S. presidential election, among other factors. The Portfolio Solutions Group reveals our key themes for the second half of 2024.

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Caron's Corner  •  3-lug-2024  •  6:09 Min

Analisi The BEAT per il mese di luglio 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, Co-Lead Global Portfolio Manager e Co-Chief Investment Officer, Global Balanced Risk Control Team, illustra i suoi giudizi tematici macro sui principali fattori di sostegno dei mercati.

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sustainable-investing page
Sustainable Investing  •  30-giu-2024

Morgan Stanley’s Sustainable Finance Summit Digest 

Morgan Stanley’s 2024 Annual Sustainable Finance Summit brought together some of Investment Management’s leading thinkers, research analysts and portfolio managers to discuss and debate topical issues related to sustainability.

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Media Appearance  •  28-giu-2024

Jim Caron on InvestmentNews: US Stocks Fully Valued, Look at Japan Instead 

Jim Caron
In a discussion with InvestmentNews, Jim Caron, Chief Investment Officer of the Portfolio Solutions Group, explains why he believes U.S. stocks may suffer a setback before year-end and that Japanese equities are currently his highest conviction overweight, one that offers attractive upside.

Insight Article  •  26-giu-2024

Systematic Liquid Alternatives: A New Perspective On Alpha 

Kara O'Halloran
Learn why our Hedge Fund Team believes the shift in the alternative investment space has evolved alpha, and how multiple ARP strategies are critical components of systematic liquid alternatives.

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Video: Lost in the Forest 

Fixed Income Team
The market is pricing in rate cuts for the U.S., as global central banks move to ease policy. But are investors getting ahead of themselves? The Federal Reserve remains cautious, and hard data suggests rate-cut delays – not cuts. Will markets reassess their views? Will the Fed change tact? And will rate uncertainty affect opportunities within global fixed income?

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Video: Persi nella selva oscura 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Il mercato sconta tagli dei tassi negli Stati Uniti, mentre le altre banche centrali nel resto del mondo si muovono verso l’allentamento. Gli investitori stanno correndo troppo? La Federal Reserve rimane prudente e i dati reali suggeriscono un rinvio dei tagli. I mercati rivedranno i loro giudizi? La Fed cambierà registro? E l’incertezza dei tassi inciderà sulle opportunità offerte dall’obbligazionario globale?

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Caron's Corner  •  24-giu-2024  •  5:55 Min

Secondo semestre 2024: che fine faranno gli investitori a caccia del Bianconiglio? 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, Co-Lead Global Portfolio Manager e Co-Chief Investment Officer, Global Balanced Risk Control Team, illustra i suoi giudizi tematici macro sui principali fattori di sostegno dei mercati.

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takeaways-key-expectations page
Takeaways & Key Expectations  •  14-giu-2024

Equity Market Commentary - June 2024 

Andrew Slimmon
In his June TAKE, Senior Portfolio Manager Andrew Slimmon discusses earnings revisions as a major driver of stock performance this year and talks about the importance of using highly active managers and avoiding closet indexers.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  14-giu-2024

Orientarsi nella selva oscura 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Nonostante la crescita e l’inflazione rimangano a livelli elevati (rispetto agli obiettivi fissati), gli investitori obbligazionari hanno iniziato a nutrire ottimismo sulle future politiche della Fed. Qual è l’impatto sui mercati obbligazionari? Il Team Broad Markets Fixed Income illustra la situazione.

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Engagement Report  •  13-giu-2024

Emerging Markets Equity Annual Stewardship Report 2024 

Eric Carlson, Dana Phillips, Candy Chao, Harrison Jamin
Our Emerging Markets Equity annual stewardship report illustrates our proactive engagement with portfolio companies to navigate operating landscapes and assist them in their growth. Discover how we initiate progress in the global energy transition, tackle regulatory challenges and encourage greater corporate transparency and disclosures, especially with regards to executive compensation issues.

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Insight Article  •  12-giu-2024

Growing Up and Out: The Impact of Aging Populations on Housing 

Morgan Stanley Real Estate Investing
While the fundamentals and investment thesis for senior housing are compelling, the subtleties of different care segments and the service-oriented nature of caring for elderly residents create operational risk, requiring a nuanced investment strategy and dedicated operating expertise.

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Media Appearance  •  11-giu-2024

David Miller on Bloomberg Markets - Video 

David Miller
David Miller, Morgan Stanley Investment Management's Head of Global Private Credit & Equity, speaks on "Markets Today" from SuperReturn International. David speaks to some of the concern around the rapid growth of private market investments and explains why it's important to look upon that growth in the context of overall public market caps.

Insight Video  •  7-giu-2024

Paying Resilience Forward: A Stock Story 

International Equity
Many of the companies that our International Equity team owns aren’t just resilient, but they develop products and services that help other companies build their resilience.

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Caron's Corner  •  5-giu-2024  •  7:04 Min

Analisi The BEAT per il mese di giugno – Temi principali e idee migliori 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, Co-Lead Global Portfolio Manager e Co-Chief Investment Officer, Global Balanced Risk Control Team, illustra i suoi giudizi tematici macro sui principali fattori di sostegno dei mercati.

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consilient-observer page
Consilient Observer  •  4-giu-2024

Stock Market Concentration: How Much Is Too Much? 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
Stock market concentration has risen sharply over the past decade, creating a tough environment for active managers. In this report, we look at concentration over the past 75 years to see where we stand. We review which companies have been the largest and how that has changed. We ask if there is a correct level of concentration by studying other global markets and by presenting the possibility it was too low before. We then examine whether corporate performance supports the current increase.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  3-giu-2024

Poland’s Quiet Convergence 

Eric Carlson, Ravi Jain
Poland, on the verge of bankruptcy when the Berlin Wall came down, has defied expectations to become a crucial manufacturing hub for western companies in Europe. Eric Carlson and Ravi Jain explore how the country became one of the most successful economies to emerge from the former Soviet bloc.

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Media Appearance  •  31-mag-2024  •  26:28 Min

Morgan Stanley Capital Partners’ Rohanjit Chaudhry on BDO Private Equity PErspectives: Driving Impactful Growth Despite the High Cost of Capital 

Rohanjit Chaudhry
Rohanjit Chaudhry, Executive Director of Morgan Stanley Capital Partners, joined BDO Private Equity PErspectives podcast to discuss how private equity continues to approach economic challenges, like the current high cost of capital, through a lens of cautious optimism

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Media Appearance  •  29-mag-2024

Lauren Hochfelder on Bloomberg Surveillance Radio 

Lauren Hochfelder
Lauren Hochfelder, Co-Chief Executive Officer for Morgan Stanley Real Estate Investing, appears on Bloomberg Surveillance to discuss her outlook on commercial real estate and sectors where she sees potential opportunity.

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Global Equity Observer  •  28-mag-2024

L’importanza della disciplina nell'approccio a lungo termine 

Anton Kryachok
In un mercato ossessionato dalla ricerca della "next big thing", ci assicuriamo che le valutazioni delle società siano giustificate dai fondamentali sottostanti, costruendo un portafoglio di quelle rare società in grado di moltiplicare gli utili con un rendimento elevato e sostenibile nel lungo periodo, poiché sebbene i multipli abbiano contribuito per l’85% ai rendimenti questo trimestre, su un arco di 20 anni questa percentuale scende al 4%. Nel frattempo, la crescita degli utili conta molto di più: nell'arco di 20 anni ha contribuito per il 71%. Il compounding richiede disciplina e pazienza.

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Caron's Corner  •  28-mag-2024  •  5:07 Min

Rischio più elevato, ma volatilità più bassa? Stiamo rallentando… per ora 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, Co-Lead Global Portfolio Manager e Co-Chief Investment Officer, Global Balanced Risk Control Team, illustra i suoi giudizi tematici macro sui principali fattori di sostegno dei mercati.

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Insight Article  •  23-mag-2024

Navigating the Curve 

Fixed Income Team
In this piece, fixed income managers investing across the duration spectrum outline strategies for seeking higher current income and capital appreciation during this unusual yield curve inversion.

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Big Picture  •  21-mag-2024

Emerging Markets: Stepping Into the Spotlight 

Jitania Kandhari
In this updated report, read how Emerging Markets are driven by more than just China. Emerging Market Equities look attractive with higher growth, reduced debt, and lower inflation. Jitania Kandhari, Deputy CIO, Solutions & Multi Asset Group and Head of Macro & Thematic Research, Emerging Markets explains.

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Media Appearance  •  16-mag-2024

Lauren Hochfelder on Yahoo Finance: Morgan Stanley's Top Real Estate Investing 'Megatrends' 

Lauren Hochfelder
Lauren Hochfelder on Yahoo Finance: Morgan Stanley's Top Real Estate Investing 'Megatrends'

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  13-mag-2024

Non proprio niente di nuovo sul fronte occidentale 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Il mutamento delle aspettative riguardo ai tagli dei tassi è stato avvertito in tutto il mondo con i rendimenti che sono saliti sia nei mercati sviluppati che in quelli emergenti. Il team Broad Markets Fixed Income analizza le conseguenze di questi sviluppi sugli investitori.

Articolo di approfondimento  •  9-mag-2024

Un nuovo approccio di gestione per un nuovo regime di mercato 

Portfolio Solutions Group
In questo articolo, il Portfolio Solutions Group spiega l’approccio di gestione adottato per affrontare l’impatto negativo di questo nuovo regime sui rendimenti, mirando a conseguire rendimenti stabili.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  7-mag-2024

China Inc.: A Changing Mindset 

Amay Hattangadi, Leon Sun, Jerry Peng
As Chinese corporations navigate the complexities of post COVID growth, Beijing is actively encouraging companies to increase dividend payments and embrace share buybacks, as part of government measures to make the capital markets more resilient. The focus on investor-friendly initiatives provides an opportunity for another look at Chinese stocks.

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Caron's Corner  •  6-mag-2024  •  6:17 Min

The BEAT for May – Our Key Themes and Top Ideas  

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Caron's Corner  •  6-mag-2024  •  6:17 Min

Analisi The BEAT per il mese di maggio – Temi principali e idee migliori 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, Co-Lead Global Portfolio Manager e Co-Chief Investment Officer, Global Balanced Risk Control Team, illustra i suoi giudizi tematici macro sui principali fattori di sostegno dei mercati.

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Global Equity Observer  •  30-apr-2024

Interesse composto 

Bruno Paulson
La combinazione di effervescenza e concentrazione sui mercati crea un difficile contesto di investimento, in particolare in termini relativi. Il team International Equity ritiene occorra continuare a ragionare in termini assoluti, a essere rigorosi per quanto riguarda sia la qualità che le valutazioni, nonché a puntare sul compounding nel lungo periodo.

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Sustainable Investing  •  30-apr-2024

2024 Stewardship Trends 

Robert Walker
As the 2024 proxy season kicks off, the Morgan Stanley Investment Management Global Stewardship Team highlights three key themes: Natural Capital and Biodiversity, Workers’ Rights, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) that we believe will be high on the agenda for investors.

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Takeaways & Key Expectations  •  29-apr-2024

Equity Market Commentary - April 2024 

Andrew Slimmon
In his April TAKE, Senior Portfolio Manager Andrew Slimmon discusses investor behavior as pertaining to the puzzling swell in money market fund assets, and what Applied Equity Advisors is focused on during this earnings season.

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Consilient Observer  •  23-apr-2024

Valuation Multiples: What They Miss, Why They Differ, and the Link to Fundamentals 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
Most investors “price” the stocks of companies by using valuation multiples instead of “valuing” them based on future cash flows and fundamentals. We address what multiples miss and why they have become less informative. We examine how the two most popular multiples, P/E and EV/EBITDA, can provide different signals about a stock’s relative attractiveness. We then take a deep look at EV/EBITDA. We do not discourage the use of multiples, but users should understand the underlying value drivers.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  22-apr-2024

Weaving India’s Future: A Tapestry of Green and Grey Energy 

Eric Carlson, Candy Chao
India is undergoing a significant transformation to strike a balance between economic growth and sustainability, revamping its environmental reputation. India’s energy security and consumption growth is a significant investment theme for the coming decade as the country adds green capacity. Eric Carlson and Candy Chao explain.

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Caron's Corner  •  22-apr-2024  •  5:24 Min

La duration: un’amica o una nemica? 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, Co-Lead Global Portfolio Manager e Co-Chief Investment Officer, Global Balanced Risk Control Team, illustra i suoi giudizi tematici macro sui principali fattori di sostegno dei mercati.

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Media Appearance  •  17-apr-2024

Morgan Stanley Real Estate Investing: Lauren Hochfelder on CNBC's The Exchange - Video 

Lauren Hochfelder
Lauren Hochfelder discusses real estate opportunities and supply chain on CNBC's The Exchange.

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Caron's Corner  •  15-apr-2024  •  7:33 Min

Tecnologia e ribassi: rischio geopolitico, volatilità e valore 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, Co-Lead Global Portfolio Manager e Co-Chief Investment Officer, Global Balanced Risk Control Team, illustra i suoi giudizi tematici macro sui principali fattori di sostegno dei mercati.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  10-apr-2024

Vi crediamo sulla parola 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
L’obbligazionario risulta molto più interessante ora di quanto non fosse a inizio gennaio, secondo il Team Broad Markets Fixed Income.

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Big Picture  •  8-apr-2024

Big Picture - Return of the 60/40 

Jitania Kandhari
In 2022, the 60/40 portfolio suffered its worst loss since 1937, prompting many market participants to question its value. Analyzing 200 years of data, Jitania Kandhari, Deputy CIO, Solutions & Multi Asset Group, evaluates the renewed relevance of the 60/40 portfolio.

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Market Monitor  •  8-apr-2024

Emerging Markets Debt Monitor – Q1 2024 

Emerging Markets Debt Team
In-depth review of fundamentals and valuations across emerging markets debt.

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Market Monitor  •  8-apr-2024

Floating-Rate Loan Market Monitor – Q1 2024 

Floating-Rate Loan Group
Insight on loan market fundamentals and the role of floating-rate loans within portfolios.

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Big Picture  •  8-apr-2024

Video: Return of 60/40 

Jitania Kandhari
Jitania Kandhari, Deputy CIO, Solutions & Multi Asset Group; Head of Macro & Thematic Research, Emerging Markets; Portfolio Manager, Passport Equity, examines the return of the 60/40 portfolio strategy in 2024.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  4-apr-2024

The Value-Up Recipe for Re-Rating Korea 

Amay Hattangadi, Rose Kim
Will the Korean market’s current value proposition solidify into a lasting investment theme? Amay Hattangadi and Rose Kim examine Korea’s de-rating over the past two decades to determine whether now is time to engage in the Korea “value trade.”

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Caron's Corner  •  2-apr-2024  •  8:23 Min

The BEAT for April: Our Top Themes - and One Major Allocation Change 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Insight Article  •  1-apr-2024

Overcoming Behavioral Biases: The Importance of Our Proprietary Portfolio Exercises 

Aaron Dunn, Chris Dyer
All humans have behavioral biases, those blind spots that can impact decision-making. To address investment bias, the Eaton Vance Equity Global Team has integrated proprietary Portfolio Exercises into their investment process, a differentiator in the way they manage money and an important element of their success.

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Big Picture  •  1-apr-2024

Video: Oil. Underappreciated, Underinvested and Undervalued 

Jitania Kandhari
Jitania Kandhari, Deputy CIO, Solutions & Multi Asset Group; Head of Macro & Thematic Research, Emerging Markets; Portfolio Manager, Passport Equity, believes oil is an underappreciated, underinvested and undervalued commodity in 2024.

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Sustainable Investing  •  1-apr-2024

An equity approach that seeks to deliver an attractive return journey for clients 

Ian Kirwan, Chris Dyer
The Eaton Vance Equity Global Team seeks to illustrate the merits of a "sustainable" equity investing approach.

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Global Equity Observer  •  26-mar-2024

Investimenti di qualità: vale la pena attendere 

William Lock
Dal saper scegliere le aziende migliori al segreto della longevità nel mondo degli investimenti, William Lock ci illustra 10 lezioni apprese in 30 anni trascorsi a investire in società di alta qualità e con capacità di compounding sostenibile nel lungo periodo, offrendo ai clienti interessanti rendimenti a lungo termine.

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Caron's Corner  •  25-mar-2024  •  8:35 Min

Correre un rischio sul versante dell’offerta 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, Co-Lead Global Portfolio Manager e Co-Chief Investment Officer, Global Balanced Risk Control Team, illustra i suoi giudizi tematici macro sui principali fattori di sostegno dei mercati.

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Big Picture  •  21-mar-2024

Video: Ten Key Themes for 2024 

Jitania Kandhari
Jitania Kandhari, Deputy CIO, Solutions & Multi Asset Group; Head of Macro & Thematic Research, Emerging Markets; Portfolio Manager, Passport Equity, outlines her Ten Key Themes for 2024.

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Insight audio  •  19-mar-2024  •  38:57 Min

Lauren Hochfelder on Investment Wars: Do Recent Disruptions in the Real Estate Sector Create Opportunity in 2024? 

Lauren Hochfelder
Lauren Hochfelder, Co-Chief Executive Officer for Morgan Stanley Real Estate Investing, appears on Investment Wars to discuss major disruptions and trends in the commercial real estate market.

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Insight Article  •  14-mar-2024

Managed Futures as a Potential Solution to Market Volatility 

Patrick T. Egan
In periods of volatility, investors may be looking for an alternative investment which may not only provide potential mitigation from the effects of market fluctuations, but also potentially capitalize on this increase in volatility.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  12-mar-2024

È il momento delle decisioni 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
A febbraio i rendimenti sono generalmente aumentati a livello globale, in quanto gli operatori di mercato hanno rettificato le attese relative al taglio dei tassi d’interesse per l’anno in corso. Il team Broad Markets Fixed Income analizza le conseguenze di questi sviluppi sui mercati.

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Takeaways & Key Expectations  •  7-mar-2024

Equity Market Commentary - March 2024 

Andrew Slimmon
In his March TAKE, Senior Portfolio Manager Andrew Slimmon shares his thoughts on recent market strength.

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Caron's Corner  •  5-mar-2024  •  6:58 Min

The BEAT for March: Top Ideas and Three Changes to Our Asset Allocations 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Media Appearance  •  1-mar-2024