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global-equity-observer page
Global Equity Observer  •  13-feb-2025

Navigating certain markets in an uncertain world 

William Lock, Bruno Paulson
While the US economy continues to look healthier than other developed markets, we think positive surprises may be tougher to find than in the last two years. Elevated equity multiples, modest VIX and BBB-rated bond spreads at their lowest levels this century suggest the market doesn’t share those doubts. As investors, we prefer steady compounding through decent top-line growth and resilient earnings at a reasonable multiple.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  12-feb-2025

The Unexpected Winners of a Divided World 

Steven Quattry, Sebastian Schafer
The true winners of the U.S.-China tug-of-war may turn out to be a number of overlooked frontier and small emerging market countries that are benefiting from historically low valuations. Steven Quattry points out that these economies, which are not in the direct crosshairs of trade wars, present unique uncorrelated investment opportunities and might be poised for rapid growth.

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Caron's Corner  •  10-feb-2025  •  6:30 Min

Unearthing Value from Volatility 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Video de opinión  •  07-feb-2025

Perspectivas para los mercados de renta fija globales (Vídeo) 

Vishal Khanduja
Conozca la evolución de la renta fija en 2025 con nuestro último vídeo, en el que analizamos cómo la divergencia de las políticas, el aumento de la dispersión y la volatilidad podrían definir los riesgos y las oportunidades que se avecinan.

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Insight Article  •  07-feb-2025

High Yield Outlook: Elevated Yields Endure into 2025 

Dónal Kinsella
Discover trends for high yield bonds, including their potential suitability to help investors meet their income and total returns goals in 2025 and beyond.

beat page
Mensual  •  05-feb-2025

The BEAT - February 2025 

Portfolio Solutions Group
Use The BEAT as your timely resource for this month’s markets. Each edition gives you ideas and insights that show you how to navigate the current investment environment.

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Big Picture  •  04-feb-2025

Big Picture - Key Themes for 2025 

Jitania Kandhari
What are the forces that will shape 2025? Jitania Kandhari, Deputy CIO, Solutions & Multi Asset Group; Head of Macro & Thematic Research, Emerging Markets Equity ; Portfolio Manager, Passport Equity, outlines her ten Key Themes for the upcoming year.

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Sustainable Investing  •  31-ene-2025

ESG Update 

Kristian Heugh, Marc Fox
The Global Opportunity team shares its annual update on integrating ESG within the investment process, the carbon intensity of the portfolios and company engagement activity.

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Navigating The Curve  •  31-ene-2025

Looking under the hood of the Agency MBS market 

Alexander Payne
Dispersion, duration and yield curve shifts can be pivotal to returns in the agency MBS market. In our latest insight, we dig into the detail on these factors and more to show why they matter.

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Webinar  •  30-ene-2025

The BEAT Quarterly Webinar – January 2025 

The quarter ahead and top asset allocation ideas from our investment specialists moderated by Alex Brunson, Head of Nordics Business, MSIM.

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Takeaways & Key Expectations  •  30-ene-2025

Equity Market Commentary - January 2025 

Andrew Slimmon
In his January TAKE, Senior Portfolio Manager Andrew Slimmon questions whether the 2025 equity market will be consistent with the third year of a bull market, which tends to be mediocre at best. Or will 2025 be led by a technology revolution and a gateway like the roaring late-1990s?

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  29-ene-2025

Video: Saudi's Inner Focus 

Amy Oldenburg
Saudi Arabia is pulsing with activity as it reaches the half way point of an ambitious plan to transform its economy and reshape its global image by 2030. Amy Oldenburg, Head of Emerging Markets Equity, examines the Kingdom’s progress.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  28-ene-2025

Vídeo: ¿Será 2025 (finalmente) el año de la renta fija? 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
¿Tiene curiosidad por el futuro de la política monetaria, la deuda pública y los mercados de crédito? Vea nuestro último vídeo sobre las perspectivas para los mercados de renta fija globales en el nuevo año.

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Caron's Corner  •  27-ene-2025  •  4:17 Min

An Unfolding Story of Easy Fiscal Policy, Growth and Low Inflation 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  27-ene-2025

Video: Malaysia's Newfound Stability 

Amy Oldenburg, Amay Hattangadi, Uday Tharar, Aayushi Kukreja
Malaysia’s recent stability and steady growth are paving the way for its government to implement critical reforms. The country is well-positioned for increased investments, particularly in its expanding data center sector, capitalizing on the ongoing “tech war” between the U.S. and China.

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Big Picture  •  27-ene-2025

Video: Stimulus Fatigue – China Can’t Band-Aid Its Way to Recovery 

Jitania Kandhari
Beijing has unveiled a series of stimulus packages aimed at revitalizing China’s economy. However, Jitania Kandhari, Deputy CIO of the Solutions and Multi-Asset Group, believes China’s structural weaknesses which include significant debt, a property bubble, underwhelming domestic consumption and trade pressures, cannot be resolved by stimulus measures alone.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  20-ene-2025

Video: A New Era in South Africa 

Amy Oldenburg, Paul Psaila
With the game-changing 2024 election victory of South African president Cyril Ramaphosa setting the stage for a new political and economic era, Amy Oldenburg, Head of Emerging Markets Equity, focuses on a report by Paul Psaila on how the new political landscape may impact the country’s economic future.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  17-ene-2025

¿Será 2025 (finalmente) el año de la renta fija? 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Los cinco últimos años han estado repletos de sorpresas. En su boletín, el equipo Broad Markets Fixed Income analiza el último mes y valora las perspectivas para 2025.

global-equity-observer page
Global Equity Observer  •  15-ene-2025

La gran distorsión 

Bruno Paulson
Los mercados se han vuelto más recargados, más impredecibles y más estrechos, como atestiguan el apetito de riesgo que genera la victoria de Donald Trump y el dominio de los gigantes tecnológicos estadounidenses, también conocidos como "las siete magníficas". Para un índice que parece descontar la perfección a futuro, cualquier amenaza o debilitamiento de las expectativas de beneficios puede ser percibido por el mercado como un problema, generando así riesgos para los inversores indexados. Sin embargo, también daría lugar a oportunidades para el enfoque del equipo - 'bottom-up', agnóstico en cuanto a índices y centrado en el 'compounding' de los fundamentales de compañías de alta calidad -.

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Caron's Corner  •  13-ene-2025  •  6:15 Min

Ask Not Why Yields Are Rising – Ask Why the Curve Is Steepening 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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market-monitor page
Market Monitor  •  10-ene-2025

Floating-Rate Loan Market Monitor – Q4 2024 

Floating-Rate Loan Group
Insight on loan market fundamentals and the role of floating-rate loans within portfolios.

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Market Monitor  •  10-ene-2025

Municipal Bond Market Monitor – Q4 2024 

Municipal Bond Group
Overview of the trends and developments in the muni bond markets.

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Market Monitor  •  10-ene-2025

Emerging Markets Debt Monitor – Q4 2024 

Emerging Markets Debt Team
In-depth review of fundamentals and valuations across emerging markets debt.

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Big Picture  •  08-ene-2025

Stimulus Fatigue: China Can’t Band-Aid Its Way to Recovery 

Jitania Kandhari
Significant debt, a property bubble, underwhelming domestic consumption and trade pressures are part of the structural weaknesses in China’s economy that stimulus packages cannot resolve alone. Jitania Kandhari explains.

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2025 Outlooks  •  08-ene-2025

2025 Global Fixed Income Outlook 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
As we enter 2025, the Broad Markets Fixed Income Team provides a comprehensive analysis of anticipated trends in fixed income markets, highlighting key areas of opportunity and caution for investors.

Insight Article  •  24-dic-2024

2024 Fixed Income Engagement Report 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
In its annual Engagement Report, the Fixed Income organisation provides details on how their investment teams are working with bond issuers on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues to help generate better financial and sustainability outcomes.

alternatives page
Alternatives  •  23-dic-2024

The Ghost of Climate 1 

Vikram Raju
Our 1GT team discusses their five key lessons learned from Climate 1.0 and how they can be applied to climate investing today.

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Global Multi-Asset Macro Musings  •  23-dic-2024

Momentum Ruled In 2024, But Reversal Likely In 2025 

Cyril Moulle-Berteaux
2024 has experienced one of the top momentum runs of the past thirty years. Historically, such strong performance has led to a near-full reversal in performance in the subsequent year. Cyril Moulle-Berteaux explains.

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Insight Article  •  23-dic-2024

Forward Thinking in Fixed Income 

Fixed Income Team
In this piece, fixed income managers investing across the duration spectrum outline strategies for seeking higher current income and capital appreciation during this period of change in bond markets.

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2025 Outlooks  •  20-dic-2024

2025 Hedge Fund Outlook: Rapidly Changing Global Macroeconomic Environment May Boost Hedge Funds 

Mark van der Zwan, Jarrod Quigley
We believe that hedge funds are poised to capitalize on what could be a rapidly changing environment, while delivering a source of uncorrelated return and diversification within portfolios.

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2025 Outlooks  •  18-dic-2024

2025 Real Estate Outlook 

Tony Charles
As the global macro-economic environment continues to improve, the case for real estate investing has become more compelling. After a period of moderation and stabilization in 2024, we believe that 2025 will see a transition into the next upcycle for real estate. Inflation is trending down, interest rates are falling, and valuations are troughing.

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2025 Outlooks  •  18-dic-2024

2025 Private Credit Outlook 

David Miller
Discover why we believe robust private equity activity has a potential to bolster private credit with growth across a diverse landscape.

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EDGE  •  18-dic-2024

Driving Change: Autonomous Vehicles Revisited 

Counterpoint Global
Counterpoint Global’s Disruptive Research revisits their 2017 paper on Autonomous Vehicles, highlighting key developments, challenges, and opportunities around trucking and robotaxis. 

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2025 Outlooks  •  18-dic-2024

2025 Private Equity Outlook 

David Miller
Discover why we believe that, as venture-backed companies stay private for longer, there is an increased need for growth equity and hybrid capital.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  17-dic-2024

Video: Now We Wait 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
What do changes in the global economy and policy uncertainty mean for fixed income markets in 2025? In our latest video, we discuss how these factors may influence markets and the steps we’re taking to navigate rising complexity in the upcoming year.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  17-dic-2024

Por el momento, seguimos a la espera 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
¿De qué manera descifrarán los mercados de bonos el verdadero estado de la economía y la escala de las políticas de la administración entrante? El equipo Broad Market Fixed Income analiza la situación.

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Caron's Corner  •  16-dic-2024  •  5:19 Min

The BEAT - Outlook for 2025 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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tales-from-the-emerging-world page
Tales From the Emerging World  •  13-dic-2024

Saudi's Inner Focus 

Amy Oldenburg
Eight years ago, Saudi Arabia initiated an ambitious plan to transform its economy and reshape its global identity by 2030. Amy Oldenburg, Head of Emerging Markets Equity, looks at the Kingdom’s progress to date.

beat page
The BEAT  •  11-dic-2024

The BEAT - Perspectivas para 2025  

Portfolio Solutions Group
El entorno de inversión con el que empieza 2025 es muy interesante. Portfolio Solutions Group valora cinco áreas clave de cara a 2025.

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Global Multi-Asset Macro Musings  •  09-dic-2024

Will Trump 2.0 Be as Good for the Markets as Trump 1.0? 

Cyril Moulle-Berteaux
Markets are bullish on Trump’s second term, hoping for tax cuts and better growth. We expect no net stimulus and a decent size hit from tariffs and immigration. This should be bullish for bonds as the Fed continues cutting, but could be a disappointment for frothy stocks.

consilient-observer page
Consilient Observer  •  05-dic-2024

Charts From the Vault: Pictures to Ponder 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
We publish some of our favorite charts that have gone unused or overlooked. We place the pictures in five categories: overall valuation, empirical regularities, capital intensity of big energy versus big technology, corporate performance, and investment management. Some challenge conventional wisdom, others address empirical observations that remain unexplained, and a handful compel a nuanced view.

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Caron's Corner  •  04-dic-2024  •  8:09 Min

The BEAT for December – Key Themes and Top Ideas 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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global-equity-observer page
Global Equity Observer  •  30-nov-2024

La justificación a largo plazo para invertir en atención sanitaria 

Marcus Watson, Helena Miles
Tras disiparse las distorsiones causadas por la pandemia COVID-19, el sector sanitario ha obtenido rentabilidades muy por debajo del conjunto del mercado. Sin embargo, se encuentra bien posicionado en dos de los parámetros de calidad preferidos por el equipo, el ROOCE y los márgenes brutos, y registra el segundo mayor crecimiento de sus BPA de entre todos los sectores del índice MSCI World en los últimos 20 años. Esta sólida perspectiva a largo plazo se ve reforzada por el rápido envejecimiento de la población mundial, las oportunidades no aprovechadas de los mercados globales, la naturaleza no discrecional de su demanda y el amplio potencial de innovación tecnológica.

Perspectivas de inversión  •  29-nov-2024

Crédito privado semilíquido: una revolución silenciosa 

Patrick Reid
Descubra por qué la disponibilidad de vehículos semilíquidos está aumentando en todo el espacio de inversión alternativo, experimentando su mayor aumento en el segmento del crédito privado.

Insight Article  •  27-nov-2024

Dispelling Myths About the Costs of Reform 

Emerging Markets Debt Team
Do all tough reforms have a high political cost? Reformist governments in Southern Europe are proving otherwise. By taking important policy decisions early, governments in Cyprus, Italy and Greece are not only seeing stronger growth than their norther peers but rising popular support as well.

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Caron's Corner  •  25-nov-2024  •  5:03 Min

Working on a Dream? Low Inflation and Strong Labor Markets 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  22-nov-2024

Video: Riding the Rollercoaster 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
In his November video bulletin, Chief Investment officer Michael Kushma shares his thoughts on where fixed income markets may be heading now that the US presidential election has passed. Watch to find out why he’s focused on three key themes: Trumponomics 2.0, steepening yield curves and areas of opportunity for fixed income investors.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  21-nov-2024

A bordo de una montaña rusa 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
El equipo Broad Markets Fixed Income estudia las repercusiones las elecciones presidenciales estadounidenses para los inversores en renta fija.

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Navigating The Curve  •  18-nov-2024

IMF Fall Conference Highlights Importance of Country Fundamentals 

Emerging Markets Debt Team
Insights from the IMF's fall conference reveal a nuanced global outlook, underscoring the critical role of country fundamentals in emerging markets. Read our on-the-ground report for the key highlights and analyses.

Insight Article  •  14-nov-2024

A New Management Approach for a New Market Regime 

Jim Caron, Ryan Meredith, Laura Biancato
Today’s new interest rate and inflation regime deviates significantly from the past 40 years. As such we believe investment professionals should consider modifying their investment process.

alternatives page
Alternatives  •  13-nov-2024

Financing the Geothermal Transition 

Adam Ross
Geothermal energy can supply reliable, sustainable, baseload power offering significant potential as an energy source, but commercial deployment has been limited. Our 1GT team co-hosted a roundtable during Climate Week to discuss future pathways.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  12-nov-2024

Video: The Industrial Reset in Emerging Markets 

Amy Oldenburg, Jitania Kandhari, Saumya Jain
Emerging markets are buzzing with renewed manufacturing activity after years of sluggishness. This resurgence is fueled by strong government support, improving macroeconomic conditions and new supply chains. Amy Oldenburg, Head of Emerging Markets Equity highlights a recent report by Jitania Kandhari and Saumya Jain explaining the transformational changes that are taking place.

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Caron's Corner  •  11-nov-2024  •  6:08 Min

Trump 2.0: What’s at Stake and How to Position Portfolios 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Insight Article  •  11-nov-2024

An Introduction to Alternative Lending 

Kenneth Michlitsch
As investors seek to diversify their portfolio exposures beyond traditional assets, alternative lending may offer attractive absolute and risk-adjusted return characteristics.

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takeaways-key-expectations page
Takeaways & Key Expectations  •  07-nov-2024

Equity Market Commentary - November 2024 

Andrew Slimmon
"In his November TAKE, Senior Portfolio Manager Andrew Slimmon discusses his post-election thoughts on the equity markets and why, he expects potential strength to continue into 2025, albeit more muted."

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Global Multi-Asset Macro Musings  •  07-nov-2024

China: Smoke and Mirrors 

Cyril Moulle-Berteaux
Chinese stocks are likely still underowned by local and global investors but their superficially low multiples do not represent a compelling reason to go overweight China until policy measures sufficient to solve its debt deflation problems are implemented.

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Navigating The Curve  •  01-nov-2024

Unintended Consequences: The Economic and Corporate Trade-Offs of Tariffs  

Broad Markets Fixed Income
What are the economic and corporate consequences of higher tariffs? In this insight, our Broad Markets Fixed Income team explores the potential trade-offs and knock-on effects of raising tariff rates.

global-equity-observer page
Global Equity Observer  •  31-oct-2024

Argumentos para invertir en consumo estable 

Nic Sochovsky
Consumo estable se sitúa actualmente cerca de mínimos de 25 años en términos de valoración relativa y su ponderación en el índice MSCI World es la más baja en lo que va de siglo. No obstante, el sector ha mostrado resiliencia a pesar de que los últimos cuatro años han sido extraordinariamente turbulentos. Dado que el crecimiento está impulsado por los ingresos recurrentes de los productos de uso cotidiano que venden, su resiliencia operativa en períodos de contracción económica hace que las compañías de consumo estable ágiles, innovadoras y que invierten sustancialmente en sus marcas tengan una función clave en nuestras carteras.

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Alternatives  •  30-oct-2024

Hands-On Operational Improvement Key to Creating Alpha in the Middle Market 

Aaron Sack, Patrick Whitehead
A successful approach to operational value creation has been key to driving successful private equity outcomes over the last decade. It is increasingly important as we adjust to an environment of higher interest rates and inflation, lower levels of financial leverage, and uncertain macroeconomic growth.

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Navigating The Curve  •  29-oct-2024

The Tide Turns for Emerging Markets Debt 

Emerging Markets Debt
Emerging markets debt is currently benefitting from a favorable macro backdrop, attractive real yields and growing investor appetite. Will these tailwinds continue through the remainder of 2024 and what should investors be on watch for? Read the latest views from our Emerging Markets Debt team for insights into these questions and more.

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Caron's Corner  •  28-oct-2024  •  6:04 Min

A Tactical De-risking and Fed Cut in November? 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Engagement Report  •  25-oct-2024

Engage Autumn 2024 

Marte Borhaug
The latest edition of Engage, the International Equity Team’s semi-annual update on their ESG engagement activity.

Insight Article  •  25-oct-2024

Encouraging Positive Sustainability Alignment in the Securitized Market 

Gregory Finck, Anuj Gulati, Erin Glenn
The Mortgage & Securitized Team believes that Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations are an essential component to investing in securitized markets. In this paper, they explain how these considerations are integrated into their investment process.

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Alternatives  •  24-oct-2024

Long Short Equity Strategies: "Hedging" Your Bets 

Eric Stampfel
Amid market uncertainty, investors may be seeking ways to add resilience to their portfolios. Long-short equity strategies have the potential to deliver steady returns in volatile markets.

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Global Multi-Asset Macro Musings  •  22-oct-2024

The Most Contrarian Outcome - No Landing 

Cyril Moulle-Berteaux
Given a strong consensus for a Soft Landing and lingering Recession fears, No Landing would be the most contrarian scenario for markets. In fact, there are some hints that the dichotomy between strong spending and weak labor markets could resolve in favor of No Landing.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  22-oct-2024

Video: Hidden Gems 

Amy Oldenburg, Steven Quattry
Amy Oldenburg, Head of Emerging Markets Equity at Morgan Stanley Investment Management, believes savvy investors should take a closer look for hidden gems in emerging and frontier markets.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  18-oct-2024

Video: Goldilocks Redux? 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Is market optimism about rates too high? Find out why high volatility potential and tight spreads are making us choosier about bonds.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  18-oct-2024

¿El regreso de un entorno económico favorable? 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
El equipo Broad Markets Fixed Income estudia las consecuencias para los inversores de los recortes de tipos acometidos por la Reserva Federal en septiembre.

consilient-observer page
Consilient Observer  •  15-oct-2024

Measuring the Moat: Assessing the Magnitude and Sustainability of Value Creation 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
Strategy explains how a firm builds a moat around its business to pursue sustainable value creation. We begin by showing why strategy matters while also distinguishing between industry and company life cycles. We turn next to industry analysis as we get the lay of the land. We then discuss industry structure and disruption and dis-integration. We finish with firm analysis. We examine the sources of added value and review pricing decisions, regulation, and brands. We include a checklist.

global-equity-observer page
Global Equity Observer  •  15-oct-2024

¿Es el momento de tener una defensa de alta calidad? 

Bruno Paulson
Si bien ha regresado la calma tras la breve tormenta estival que azotó los mercados, la oleada de ventas supuso toda una prueba para nuestras carteras globales, que se mostraron resilientes ante estos temores, subiendo efectivamente un 1%, mientras el MSCI World cayó un 7%. Descontándose de nuevo una perspectiva favorable como si nada hubiera ocurrido, contar con una cartera que ofrezca beneficios resilientes a una valoración razonable puede ofrecer cierta defensa de alta calidad, como sucedió este verano.

Insight Video  •  14-oct-2024

Recognized Resilience: A Stock Story 

International Equity Team
One of our holdings has been around since 1892 and is enjoyed 2 billion times a day. With a strong brand, entrenched intangible assets, high returns on operating capital and significant pricing power, it’s exactly what we look for. Learn about our approach to long-term compounders for long-term investors.

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Caron's Corner  •  14-oct-2024  •  5:18 Min

A Bull in a Candy Shop 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Insight Video  •  14-oct-2024

Health and Resilience: A Stock Story 

International Equity Team
Our life sciences companies form a crucial part of the health care supply chain. Their products are a fraction of their customers’ cost base, they benefit from the nondiscretionary nature of health care demand and their regulatory framework makes it very difficult for customers to switch suppliers—making them a good example of the resilience we seek.

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Insight Video  •  14-oct-2024

Elevating Resilience: A Stock Story 

International Equity Team
We own a leading elevator company that services over 2 million elevators globally—which typically remain in service for decades. As the installed base of elevators around the world continues to grow steadily, this creates a very reliable profit stream that illustrates our preference for long-term compounders for long-term investors.

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navigating-the-curve page
Navigating The Curve  •  11-oct-2024

Breaking from the herd: What the differing pace of central bank easing could mean for fixed income 

Broad Markets Fixed Income
Central banks are lowering policy rates, but the pace and magnitude varies by market. The Broad Markets Fixed Income team explains what the variable policy paths could mean for fixed income investing ahead.

Insight Article  •  10-oct-2024

How Higher Yields and Growing Alpha Opportunities May Lift Hedge Funds 

AIP Hedge Fund Team
The MSIM Hedge Fund Team explores the ways in which hedge funds may directly benefit from a higher cash yield environment making them compelling options as sources of returns and diversification.

Media Appearance  •  10-oct-2024

Vishal Khanduja on CNBC Squawk Box Asia 

Vishal Khanduja
Vishal Khanduja joined CNBC Squawk Box Asia to discuss his view that the U.S economy is on track for a soft landing and how that impacts his fixed-income strategy.

market-monitor page
Market Monitor  •  10-oct-2024

Emerging Markets Debt Monitor – Q3 2024 

Emerging Markets Debt Team
In-depth review of fundamentals and valuations across emerging markets debt.

market-monitor page
Market Monitor  •  10-oct-2024

Municipal Bond Market Monitor – Q3 2024 

Municipal Bond Group
Overview of the trends and developments in the muni bond markets.

market-monitor page
Market Monitor  •  04-oct-2024

Floating-Rate Loan Market Monitor – Q3 2024 

Floating-Rate Loan Group
Insight on loan market fundamentals and the role of floating-rate loans within portfolios.

carons-corner audio
Caron's Corner  •  03-oct-2024  •  7:19 Min

The BEAT for October – Key Themes and Top Ideas 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  02-oct-2024

Malaysia's Newfound Stability 

Amay Hattangadi, Uday Tharar, Aayushi Kukreja
After four years of political turmoil, Malaysia’s recent stability is paving the way for the government to implement critical reforms, ultimately making the country’s prospects promising. Amay Hattangadi, Uday Tharar and Aayushi Kukreja explain.

global-fixed-income-bulletin video
Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  24-sep-2024

Video: In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb? 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
When the Fed says "cut," investors ask "How deep?" Find out where we stand on current rate forecasts, plus our outlook for the credit market and the US dollar.

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Media Appearance  •  24-sep-2024

Craig Brandon on CNBC The Exchange 

Craig Brandon
Craig Brandon, Co-Head of Municipals at Morgan Stanley Investment Management, joins CNBC The Exchange to discuss how rate cuts will affect municipal bonds, how the election and tax rates could impact municipals, and more.

alternatives page
Alternatives  •  20-sep-2024