
Active Fundamental Equity
Active Fundamental Equity

Applied Equity Advisors Team
Japanese Equity Team

Strategy Name
Strategy Name

Core, integrated approach to global equity investing through country/currency, sector/thematic and stock decisions.  

Using a combination of quantitative models and stock-specific research, the strategy aims to invest in approximately 30-60 U.S. companies with attractive valuations, above-average appreciation potential and competitive dividend yields.  

Using a combination of quantitative models and stock-specific research, the strategy aims to invest in approximately 20 global companies with attractive valuations and above-average appreciation potential.  

Using a combination of quantitative models and stock-specific research, the strategy aims to invest in approximately 30-60 global companies with attractive valuations and above-average appreciation potential.  

Seeks to invest in 200-300 stocks that, in aggregate, have exposure to factors it believes will drive returns in the current market environment. All the while employing quantitative models with a stock selection process that includes an quantitative review of material sustainability issues related to any potential holding. The strategy aims to provide a modest tracking error and align closely with the Russell 1000 Index in terms of industry, sector, style and company size.  

Invests in Japanese equities with market capitalization of greater than U.S. $400 million, seeking to identify undervalued, quality companies that trade at a substantial discount to their long-term intrinsic value.  


Strategies   applied-equity-advisors-team
Using a combination of quantitative models and stock-specific research, the strategy aims to invest in approximately 30-60 U.S. companies with attractive valuations, above-average appreciation potential and competitive dividend yields.  

Using a combination of quantitative models and stock-specific research, the strategy aims to invest in approximately 20 global companies with attractive valuations and above-average appreciation potential.  

Using a combination of quantitative models and stock-specific research, the strategy aims to invest in approximately 30-60 global companies with attractive valuations and above-average appreciation potential.  

Seeks to invest in 200-300 stocks that, in aggregate, have exposure to factors it believes will drive returns in the current market environment. All the while employing quantitative models with a stock selection process that includes an quantitative review of material sustainability issues related to any potential holding. The strategy aims to provide a modest tracking error and align closely with the Russell 1000 Index in terms of industry, sector, style and company size.  


Strategies   japanese-equity-team
Invests in Japanese equities with market capitalization of greater than U.S. $400 million, seeking to identify undervalued, quality companies that trade at a substantial discount to their long-term intrinsic value.  


1 Diversification does not eliminate the risk of loss.

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Please refer to the strategy detail page for important information on the strategy, including additional risk considerations.


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