Products & Performance
Morgan Stanley Investment Funds
Tailwinds Fund
Tailwinds Fund
Products & Performance
Morgan Stanley Investment Funds
Tailwinds Fund
Marketing Communication
Tailwinds Strategy
Idea generation starts from the perspective of Sustainability, with eligible companies involved with business activities or market opportunities that align with a sustainability-related benefit to people (such as Economic Empowerment; Health; Access Democratization or Inclusive Communities), planet (such as Resource Efficiency or Downstream Efficiency) or systems (such as Data Security; Effective Institutions; Stakeholder Cultures or Structural Longtermism). Fund Facts
Fund Codes
Fees & Expenses
The value of the investments and the income from them will vary and there can be no assurance that the Fund will achieve its investment objectives. Pricing & Performance
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Returns may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations. All performance data is calculated NAV to NAV, net of fees, and does not take account of commissions and costs incurred on the issue and redemption of units. The sources for all performance and Index data is Morgan Stanley Investment Management. Please click here for additional performance disclosures and important information, which should be reviewed carefully.
Risk and Reward Profile As of
Lower Risk
High Risk
Lower Rewards Potentially
Higher Rewards
4 As of
Holdings As of
Portfolio Characteristics
May not represent all Investors. Insights by Counterpoint Global
Product Literature
Prospectus & Reports
Product Notice