Dynamic Risk Control
Downside Mitigation, Upside Capture

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A Risk-Controlled Approach


Global Balanced Risk Control (GBaR) is a global, multi-asset approach that seeks to deliver favourable returns with a stable level of risk.


Asset allocations are dynamically managed based on our expectations of future market volatility.


We seek to build risk-controlled portfolios that participate in rising markets and provide a measure of stability in volatile down markets.

One Strategy...
Multi-asset investment strategy with a multi-dimensional approach to sustainable investing, that seeks to deliver a balanced risk profile.
Invests in global equities, global bonds, cash, impact equities and green bonds.
Strong commitment to responsible investing and alignment to the 1.5oc global warming target.
...Two Risk Profiles

Multi-Asset Sustainable Moderate Fund

  • Targeted risk range 6-10 %

Multi-Asset Sustainable Balanced Fund

  • Targeted risk range 8-12 %
Meet the Team
Meet the PSG Team
The Portfolio Solutions Group is a comprehensive multi-asset business, with activity across all asset strategies and types (traditional and alternative), through solutions that span fully liquid (public assets), comprehensive (public and private assets) and fully private portfolios. Offerings are delivered via a managed portfolio or model, in discretionary or advisory format.

Interested in learning more? Please contact us today.

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"ESG" investment: Environmental Social and Governance based investment is an investment approach which takes explicit account of the environmental, social and corporate governance aspects of all proposed investments. The Asset Allocation strategies provide the Investment Adviser with wide discretion to allocate between different asset classes. From time to time, the Asset Allocation may have significant exposure to a single or limited number of fixed income or equity asset classes. Accordingly, the relative relevance of the risks associated with equity securities, Fixed Income Securities and derivatives will fluctuate over time. Investments in derivative instruments carry certain inherent risks such as the risk of counter party default and before investing you should ensure you fully understand these risks. Use of leverage may also magnify losses as well as gains to the extent that leverage is employed. These investments are designed for investors who understand and are willing to accept these risks. Performance may be volatile, and an investor could lose all or a substantial portion of his or her investment.


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There is no guarantee that any investment strategy will work under all market conditions, and each investor should evaluate their ability to invest for the long-term, especially during periods of downturn in the market. Prior to investing, investors should carefully review the strategy's / product's relevant offering document. There are important differences in how the strategy is carried out in each of the investment vehicles.

The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and you may not get back the amount you originally invested.

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